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The Archedian soldiers, all of whom were in a state of shock and awe were now running around rushing to get to their squads with Rifles in hand and as they did so the Archedians could see the threat before them and as they look upon it they were shocked to see what it was they were now going to fight, rifle and heavy machine gun in hand... The men had no proper words to help them describe the armored giant before them. He was tall, large, bulky and yet here he wasn't slowed down by his armor or his weapons and he moved extremely quickly and had sheer brute strength that would make a cyclops blush as this armored giant rusted up towards one squad of Archedian soldiers.

As he got close to those men, he engaged them with nothing but his bare hands and yet even as rifle rounds harmlessly bounced off of his armor and helmet, he dealt with them swiftly.
As he got within an arm's length of them he swung his arm and hit 3 of the Archedian soldiers standing in his way, using his sheer brute strength to dispatch them with ease, as their bodies were tossed around as if they were here ragdolls being tossed around by a petulant child, the swing so strong that if broke their bones and ruptured organs even before hitting a hard wall of Uberconcrete.

The giant armored monster continued upon its rampage, rushing straight towards the other members of the squad it had just attacked and upon doing so, started engaging them swiftly.
His giant metal hands forming fists as he swiftly engaged, punching Archedian soldiers and batting them to the side with a single swing... It was shocking, it only took a few moments for that entire squad to be killed, their bodies ruptured and dead bodies laying on the ground.

"Shoot! Don't stop shooting!"

"What is that thing? Somekind of iron monster?!"

Voices of distress and panic were heard among the Archedian soldiers who remained as they immediately pulled back over to the Gate where they had started and as they did so the Machine Gunnerd opened fired at him, letting loose a torrent of 30cal rounds right at him and as this was happening the remaining Archedian soldiers regrouped, lined up their shots and fired each soldier trying to fire their rifle as quickly as possible to bring forth the highest rate of fire possible.

One of the remaining officers then noticed something upon the lower part of the Giant's chest plate, written in the dialect of the foreigners. He then took out the magic translation device and aimed it towards those very words that he saw and as the device translated, it said in bold letters.
"Warrior Monk of the Gods."


The Ubersoldat then lashed out in wrath, charging up the hill with great speed and determination that caught even the soldiers atop where they stood and the they rapidly became to run up towards them, he pulled out something from a Compartment within his right armored leg, a hidden storage Compartment integrated into the armor itself and there, he pulled out a weapon. An Apocalypse pistol. And from his other hand he drew forth yet another weapon. A very large combat knife, however from the perspective of the Archedians this wasn't a combat knife at all, it was massive, the size of a short sword then a mere knife and he was holding it as if tgere were no weight at all.

And from their high vantage point the Archedians they could no longer awe a massive brute that merely uses his fists with all of his might. But rather they saw a being of discipline and defiance, and he was not without the will the fight.

The Ubersoldat looked up upon them and spoke for the first time since engaging.
"In his name!"

The Ubersoldat then broke into a run, rapidly making progress all the way to the top. Even as he was approaching the Archedian soldiers and machine gun crews attempted to bring the metal menace down.
However their attempts were futile as no matter how concentrated their fire was and no matter the type of bullet fired and the area hit the Ubersoldat, he still ran up to them at high speeds, his armor not weighing him down in any way as he got ever closer and closer.

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