Our Sacred War.

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"On this day, November the 11th, at precisely 4 Pm, the year of the Archedian Empire, our sacred war began.
To find the holy child and restore her. To find the holy child and to return her. To find the child and to get her to take her place among us.

The Archedian resistance is akin to that of this sacred war.
Our foes have fought to defend their homeworld and have done so with distinction. To you, our worthy foes, we salute you.

Our sacred war was fought in the hopes of finding our dear Overlord. And though it lasted for a fraction of the wider conflict it brought about a swift end to the war and the mighty hammer of the Gods was brought down upon them.

To those soldiers seeing this message, I ask you not to despair or hate.
The Overlord is free now, I ask you now to simply pray for this land for the memories, the experiences. The loss and the memories.

Let the thunder of our tanks and weapons be eclipsed by new trees and laughter.
May our losses and those of our foes be vanquished by the new dawn over the horizon driving the shadows away.

Only when our successors learn to make strong foundations and not new spears, will we be truly triumphant. There is much to be done."

It has only been days since the end of the short-lived Sacred War to find Overlord Oculus. Yet so much has happened and everything is changing so rapidly.

Those are the words inscribed upon the great marble pillars that now litter the major battlefields of what the Kovenant troops are now referring to as the Archedian-Burgund War. Build with fine materials found on the Kovenant's side of the Gate, and placed in such a manner that it would be impossible to uproot them without heavy machinery, in places where major battles were fought, or in places where mass graves have been dug, these grand pillars now stand as a testament to the significance of these fights and as a reminder that the spirits of those who fought on these fields are still there.

A few Kovenant soldiers look over the grand structures, taking off their caps and helmets, others removing their combat maks as well.

And all around them were the areas where there was once a great battle, a place where Archedian guns were blazing and where cannons used to roar. Their eyes turned sort of misty and their hearts began to glow, as they formed up in formation slowly to salute the comrades who perished here. Though few, each death is a tragedy.

Saluting to the many months of Glory, in defense of Keralia, and the final hours of Glory and zeal during their Sacred War.

They looked up to the sky, and flying high above them like angels sent down by the presence of the two Overlords, were a grand flock of many Kovenant Bombers, these flying wings flying in bomber wings so large that it could easily be mistaken for a massive strategic bombing campaign, yet as these machines of war flew over Keralian cities and population centers, they dropped not bombs, but instead dropped a great many boxes, each detaching in bundles of three or four boxes bound together and then deploying huge parachutes as they slowly started to fall down to the earth, into the eager arms of many Keralians.

Torni stood outside the palace where his new government sat, looking down upon the streets of what will soon become a capital city of a reborn Keralian state, he saw that the people received many gifts.
Food of such variety and quantity that they can feed the city for years.
As groups of people picked up the massive quantities and variety of food, they were surprised to see that along with these supplies of food, was a vast collection of clothes and practical supplies as well as the occasional toy. The people looked at them and as they were checking them closely, many found that these clothes were of a superior quality with the partially faded scent of perfume on them.

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