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Archedian commanders and officers scrambled, and papers flew as dozens of transmissions swarmed and overwhelmed the large staff of communications officers in the Army camp. Dozens of radio transmissions sent conflicting reports, some saying that the line was holding, others saying that the offensives were even pushing through and achieving breakthroughs all across the Kovenant lines. Yet, dozens of other reports close to those same sectors reported otherwise, reporting hundreds dead or wounded and the offensives stalling as soldiers were getting cut down, even with armor and Artillery support, and still, other sectors report that they were holding and were in high spirits, while others still report panicked retreats and soldiers refusing to continue the assault.

Officers and radio operators scrambled to make sense of the chaos. The sound of Morse code and tables shaking as machines continued to type relentlessly mixed in the sounds of boots hitting the ground, people talking, and others barking orders.

The whole forward base was in chaos, yet still functioning, a small outpost used as a forward command center, was now bustling with activity, even as hundreds of wounded men came back in waves, with so many more wounded men coming in on stretchers, their comrades running up to medics and nurses and shouting for help as their comrades lay wounded. Others brought themselves to the medical staff.
But more was yet, coming, this time on trucks burdened with many wounded men.

Hospitals were overwhelmed, swarmed with an unprecedented number of wounded men, first coming in the hundreds, then the thousands. Field hospitals were also reaching capacity, forcing staff to not take in those with minor injuries, instead directing them to triage centers.

On one of the larger tents in the base, Archedian commanders look over a map on an old wooden table, the table shaking as these men start to read through what they were seeing.
"These reports are pure chaos!" Said one of the Generals.

"I am receiving reports from multiple Divisions, saying that the attacks all across the line are failing, and they were even forced into a full retreat in most sectors of the Front!"

"My Divisions are reporting moderate success, but the 67th, 82nd, and 79th Infantry Divisions have received murderous casualties and have lost half their equipment. They only managed to seize a small fraction of enemy trenches before they were pushed back..."
The commander leaned against the table.
"They are combat ineffective, and the men have refused calls to continue..."

"We must get them to continue!" Urged another commander, shouting at the top of his lungs.
The old man stroked his heart as he pointed his finger in the air.
"My armored Divisions are reporting a breakthrough in some areas of the front. If we can apply pressure, then we might be able to force the issue!"

"With respect, General, you are mistaken... New reports say that they've only taken undermanned enemy outposts and temporarily bunkers and trenches." Said one of his subordinates.
"They've tried to rush the enemy line, but this... Kovenant, they are using tactics and weapons we've never seen before. Reconnaissance shows the use of so-called "drones" as some of the Keralians have been calling them. These would then crash themselves into the tanks, disabling them or giving warning to Kovenant positions."

The old man looked at him and said.
"We have the numbers, thousands of trucks, hundreds of thousands of Infantry, thousands of light and medium tanks supported by God only knows how many Artillery pieces, tell them to continue!"

Just then, however, as this back and forth continued, one soldier burst through the tent, breathing heavily, eyes shallow as he said frantically.
"Sirs, the Frontlines are collapsing! Dozens of divisions are being whittled down in the northern sectors, and other divisions have fled the battlefield, even retreating back to Eastern Keralia!"

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