Arc 1 Part 3.

79 3 19

(24 miles west of Oolu Village.)

Garseri Lockheed was leading west, he believed he would find an old Archedian base, a good place to start gathering information from any left over documents or terminals, if the Archedians had anything closely resembling terminals in their current state of technology. He was an Ubersoldat, he has gone on long range scouting missions like this before and he knew that to win, the 87th would need all the help it can possibly get. Even just knowing the battle doctrine of the enemy could help in planning out the defense of Keralia, Garseri had heard of the movements of the 87th, seizing strategic locations and rapidly establishing a larger defensive line all across Keralia. Garseri was confident those men can hold long enough.

Garseri Lockheed got on his comms and contacted General Engel.
"General Engel, this is Garseri Lockheed... I am approaching what I suspect to be an Archedian base. I shall report on my findings upon my return, over."

"Copy. Proceed with caution." Engel replied.

Garseri walled through the dense and snow covered forests of Keralia. He had been walking around for some time already, his white armor blending in perfectly with the winter environment, surviving off of water collected from nearby rivers and from his own field rations of food.

His footsteps left big footprints on the snow as he traveled the land, each heavy footfall adding to an ever-growing trail of steps as he got ever closer to his objective. His power armor, easily able to clear the bushes and branches that stood in the way. Ubersoldat power armor was always heavy, only the augmented Ubersoldats were able to handle its weight with ease.

Looking at the display on his helmet visors, Garseri could see that he was nearly out of the forest. Reaching for a compartment in his right leg, he pulled out his Apocalypse Pistol and combat knife in case of combat.

Finally, Garseri emerged from the snow filled landscape and dense forests and as soon as he did so, he found himself in a clearing with a few dozen more trees ahead, however in the distance, Garseri could see a Cliffside with a whole host of abandoned structure, made from stone and covered in snow, collapsed towers and the remnants of a once mighty stone wall is present, all the stone collapsing and getting buried in much snow over the centuries.

Garseri got on the comms.
"General, it appears I was mistaken. This isn't a military base, it's the abandoned ruins of a castle..."

General Engel replied.
"I see. Well, in that case I suggest you return back to us, there is nothing of use in a century old castle."

Garseri said.
"My helmet is detecting something inside the ruins - I'm seeing a sudden spike in psychic energy, we may have an enemy Psycic in there. Moving to engage, over."

"Acknowledged. Proceed with cover, over and out."

With Engel's approval, Garseri burst into a run, moving at speeds that would be impossible for regular humans, nevermind wearing heavy power armor. Garseri ran for a good 10 minutes until he reached the Curtain walls, or, atleast what remains of the ancient walls.

As he approached the Gatehouse, he found that the portcullis had long ago been destroyed, it's frozen, broken remains laying on the ground covered in ice and snow. No doubt caused by those who layed siege here long ago. It was ominous.

As Garseri stepped into what remains of one of the castle baileys, found looked around and started searching for a way to access the main keep where the psychic was being held, wandering through a snow filled wonderland within the castle walls. As he was wandering however, he found pieces of metal sticking out of the ice and snow. Kneeling down, he brushed aside the snow covering it all and soon enough he found out that it wasn't merely a piece of metal - Rather it was armor, still being worn by a long dead Archedian soldier - A skeleton with no organic parts at all.

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