Visit to Eastern Keralia.

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(Some months later.)

Maximilian and his daughter Theodora were traveling to the Archedian Frontlines. They had been planning on making that trip for some time already, however couldn't make the trip themselves under the insistence of the Archedian Emperor... Emperor Alexander had insisted on visiting as well, especially after the loses suffered by the Keralian army group thus far. A means in which he could help maintain the illusion of morale, essentially. A visit to boost spirits of those on the front --- Emperor Alexander has even called up for reinforcements to arrive at Keralia, all of which were coming via train or were using the glorious Archedian highways to get there fast. The Archedian Arctic fleet and Air force has been called to action and are make preparations of their own to intervene in the war.

They were traveling via Emperor Alexander's personal train. A luxurious vehicle meant to take advantage of the Empire's extensive train network.

Both were sitting down in one of the large cabins, a table between them as they looked out of the window --- Witnessing first hand how it transitioned seamlessly from the familiar green of the Archedian plains, to the harsh snow of the grand dutchy of Keralia.

Theodora drank tea and her father was reading a newspaper as they sped past a few houses and backwater towns.

Theodora couldn't help but smile.
"It's beutiful, such a shame that there's a war in the region."

Maximilian for his part, replied.
"Yes, well... I can assure you that Eastern Keralia is relatively safe and the military is mobilizing in force."

Theodora responded.
"I... don't know father. I've read the reports and casualties are mounting trying to break the Kovenant/Keralian lines. Were losing men and tanks... Perhaps it's time to come to the negotiating table?"

Maximilian gave a nod and made a humming noise of approval.
"Mm! Yes I agree we should come to talk to our adversaries, however, not yet --- Remember, it's ultimately the Emperor's call to make peace or atleast come to negotiations."

Theodora crossed her arms.
"So, Alexander is just gonna keep sending men at defenses we can't break? Even after many failed offensives?"

Maximilian replied.
"Those are but a fraction of the number on the ground. Currently, casualties hover at 20,000 casualties, 17,000 of which are wounded... As large as these numbers may seem, there's 500,000 more troops coming as reinforcements --- As for the failed offensives you mentioned, those are in need of a different approach. We can keep them contained, but if we wish to have success, a new approach is needed."

Theodora finished the last of her tea and said.
"Wasn't the doctrine for massed armored assaults and maneuver warfare? Surely, that's better then the meat grinder of the trench lines?"

Maximilian smiled and put away the newspaper.
"Yes, however according to reports a number of issues present themselves --- First of all, Kovenant technology and means to destroy tanks is far more advanced then our own. They don't use the typical Anti-tank cannon you see in our world, they appear to be using rocket launchers, while the concept of a rocket launcher is nothing new to us, their warheads are more powerful then anything we've ever seen."

The old man leaned forward and continued.
"In addition Kovenant defenses are robust, with bunkers that can withstand our biggest guns. Not to mention Infantry weapons that seem to shoot lines of energy at our troops --- Their command and control us strong too, competent. Though fortunately they don't seem keen to advance."

"I see." Theodora said.
"What about... Kovenant casualties, father?"

"That's unknown to us as of yet, but we're expecting Kovenant to suffer far less in terms of casualties." Maximilian said.
"In fact they seem more interested in staying put and maintaining that defensive line, like they are expecting us to attack and attack again... At the very least they are staying put, where we can better keep an eye on them."

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