Arc 1 Part 2

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(Eastern Keralia, Archedian defensive lines. 4 days post evacuation.)

Archedian army units gather in massive numbers all over their prepared defensive lines in Eastern Keralia. After having fully evacuated all of the rest of the region, Archedian forces have regrouped, reorganized and are now gathering strength here in the east. Eastern Keralia is far more peaceful and stable, as the local Keralians have long ago been assimilated and are now indistinguishable from the Archedians themselves. A process of assimilation starting all the way back to the 1800s, in fact --- Still, the Archedians are more then able to regroup and now, reinforcements are arriving. Getting to the frontlines via the Grand Archedian Railways, entire Divisions worth of men were arriving everyday, alongside tanks, Artillery and aircraft, of which most of them were bombers.

Overall, the Archedian forces are massive --- They had 5 Infantry Divisions from the units that retreated back to Eastern Keralia, as well as 6 National Guard Divisions already present in Eastern Keralia --- These are further supported by an extra 22 Infantry Divisions and 4 Armored Divisions, all of whom arrived in Eastern Keralia via trains.

An Archedian Infantry Division having 25,000 men, hundreads of Trucks, motorbikes, Hundreds of Artillery pieces and support staff such as Emgineers --- While Armored Divisions have 20,000 men and 200 tanks as standard, alongside their own Artillery and support units.

Overall this totalled over 755,000 Archedian soldiers, 800 Tanks of the Medium and Light variety, as well as a large number of light and heavy Artillery, supported by fighter planes and strategic and tactical bombers from the Archedian air force.

Alongside 6 National guard Divisions, each numbering 25,000 men each, giving an extra 150,000 men in reserve in case they ever need them.


(Archedian field headquarters. 15 Kilometers behind the Frontline.)

Archedian Generals, staff officers and commanders from the various branches have met here to discuss their strategy going forward.
There are dozen of them here in total with their various aids and support staff. Naturally, not all the field commanders are here, only those Generals who command whole sections of the line with entire Divisions to command are present -- Though a fair few Air force commanders and a representative from the Navy is present here as well.

They were residing within a Bunker complex, which, will serve as their HQ for the coming war and where Archedian High Command in the Keralian Region would be based at.

Gathered at the table, the men looked at a large map of Keralia, with field reports and intelligence being held by their staff officers in case they ever need it. While the table itself was surrounded by communications equipment.

One of the men present, An Archedian Field Marshall pointed at the frontlines and said.
"Right, let's get down to it... Currently, we have many troops gathered and taking up defensive positions all along the frontlines. According to our intelligence, we have a numerical advantage over the Invaders, who, informants tell us that they call themselves the 'Kovenant Empire' however one should never underestimate an enemy."

The general's staff than activated a projector at the wall, depicting a rough film of combat, taken by camera men of the Archedian National guard.

The men were surprised to see the weaponry that their enemy used. To them, a Kovenant Laser-Gewehr looked like a magical weapon and indeed, their Tanks were also very impressive and inspiring war machines to behold.

"As you can, this... Kovenant has an advantage in technology. We don't know much, but their Infantry weapons outclassed our own and seem to be shooting magical beams of light from some unknown power source." The Archedian Field Marshall said.
"Their tanks also outclassed ours. Intelligence suggests that these are but the introduction for us here on this front. We can't say for certain what else the Kovenant might bring to the table."

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