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With the Ubersoldat gone as he ran to the otherside of the Gate, the 87th was left alone to deal with the Archedians themselves. Even as the Archedians started making a general advance with groups of Archedians rushing forwards while the machine gun crews and other soldiers layed down covering fire for their allies. Yet, as they were making a general advance the Vrinngrenadiers were there to check their every move and as the Archedians made their advance they were taking casualties from the laser bolts coming their way from both the Imperial Lasen-Gewehrs and MG6 Light Laser Machine gun.
However even as the fighting was going on, Conrad still attempted to get into contact with the Ubersoldat Sargent.
"Herr Garseri, do you read? Please respond over!"
Yet there was no response.
"Garseri are you receiving?"

Once there was no second response, Conrad turned to his men and said.
"Vrinngrenadiers, we're pulling back to our previous positions! Throw smoke grenades, move children, move!"

Immediately, Conrad's men threw smoke grenades and as soon as the smoke was deployed, he and his men managed to use this to escape. Running back to the building and setting up a new machine gun position behind sturdy walls, occupying windows and awaiting the arrival of Archedian soldiers to rush out of the smoke cloud.

Michael and Bernhard only had a few moments after they set the MG again until the first Archedian soldiers emerged from the smoke and immediately these first dozen men were cut down by the laser bolts and those who weren't killed scrambled to hide behind cover, mostly behind piles of rubble, yet these Archedians still managed to aim and fire their Rifles at the Kovenant troops.

Yet Conrad and his men were able to use these new positions to their advantage, as his men ducked into cover and shot back.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Conrad turned to his right and saw Chloe, Susie and Jojo taking cover and firing from a large smashed set of windows.
Upon seeing this, Conrad said.
"Throw Grenades, now!"

However even before Conrad could finish, Jojo answered with a smug look on his face.
"Your next words are ... 'We need to push them back, now!' Isn't it?"

"We need to push them back, now!" Conrad gasped at the realization.
"Jojo, how do you always know?" He asked sarcastically.

Jojo gave a chuckle before reaching for one of the stick grenades he had on hand and after pulling the pin, tossed it out the window, soon enough Chloe and Susie followed up with their own as they also threw grenades outside and as these landed and exploded, it caught many of the Archedians taking cover by surprise and some of these men were wounded or even outright killed as a result of these explosions.
Yet many more were stunned and this caused the Archedians to stall as they scrambled for cover and halted the advance forward instead the Archedians stayed behind cover and started skirmishing with their foes.

Chloe ducked back into cover and opened up the bolt on her Lasen-Gewehr before swiftly bringing out the Charging cord and used it to bring her weapon back to full battery power.
"Who the hell are these guys? They don't look like 24th Fire and Steel or Red Scarves to me!"

As Chloe finished Charging she kneeled down and started shooting once again, her laser bolts managing to catch 2 Archedian soldiers who were then promptly killed by multiple extremely fast laser bolts hitting almost every part of their bodies.

Conrad then said to her.
"Don't know, but keep shooting and maybe we'll get some answers from any prisoners we get."
Conrad then had his weapin raised and he fired once again, laser bolts killing another Archedian soldier.

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