Arc 1 Part 5

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Artillery shells rained across the positions of the 87th and more specifically, at 3rd Platoon as a whole. The whole trenchline was held by 3rd Platoon, though there are others holding more bunkers and machine gun nests and more trenches to the flanks of 3rd Platoon. Particularly those on the right being held by troops of the 6th and 5th Platoons of 3rd Company, of which, 3rd Platoon was a part of and those to the left holding more defensive positions across the line. These positions were held by soldiers of the 2nd company, particularly the 4th, 5th and 6th platoons --- Though the line was strained a little, these were still able to be held by these troopers, especially since they had reinforced bunkers and machine gun nests acting to strengthen it.

In addition to Light Artillery, mortar and sniper fire for support. Not to mention a vast arsenal of man portable AT and AA weapons.

Lieutenant Skrosamzy came running across 3rd Platoon's trench, shouting.
"We have company! Hold the line, get to your positions and fire at will!"

As Skrosamzy came to Sargent Conrad's squad, Pearl came to him and said.
"Mein Herr, the Archedians bring tanks. Light tanks by the looks of them, supported by atleast a few hundred Infantrymen, spotted by my Drones."

Skrosamzy replied.
"Very well." He got on the Comms network.
"Attention! Enemy armor inbound, supported by Infantry, 3rd Platoon will hold the line - Did the Archedians bring Artillery?"

"No." Pearl said.
"They didn't, Drone reconnaissance conformed no major concentration of Artillery batteries to support this attack, they only brought Tanks, Mortars and heavy machine guns."

Skrosamzy gave a nod and gestured Pearl to get back to her squad, which she did.

Skrosamzy went up to a nearby command post, a cut out in the ground within the trenche that served many  roles but in this case, it was a place for officers to get some work done and it was also where live footage from drones and radar and scanner systems were located.
Taking a look, coming next to the 2 men who operated them.

As he looked Skrosamzy could see dots on the radar, red dots being picked up by scans of the area and next to it, he could see as Archedian tanks and soldiers move through the forest, seen through the drones --- The Archedian Infantry moved in squad through the winter snow and in-between the trees, while the Tanks either followed via old roads or simply had Infantry cut tress to get through, or if the tree was small enough, some tanks simply knocked them over.

Skrosamzy turned to one of the men next to him and said.
"Get me in contact with friendly batteries, tell them to target grid coordinates infront of 3rd Platoon's position!"
He pointed at the screen.
"I want that force pummeled!"

"Ja, mein Herr!" The soldier got on the comms network and got in touch with their nearby batteries.
"This is Trenchline 128, held by 3rd platoon, requesting Artillery fire on these Grid coordinates, requesting Annihilation fire. Over!"

The soldier then sent the coordinates through the the battery and soon a reply came.
"Affirmative, 3rd Platoon, Annihilation fire in bound."

The soldiers were already in position and with everyone there, Skrosamzy took a Laser-Gewehr and stood with them, staying in the trench alongside his men and his personal command squad.

A few moments later, explosions were heard in the distance and as another few seconds pass, large pillars of snow and earth were seen in the sky.
The Artillery hit their intended targets. The Great pillars of earth and snow seen in the far off distance were the fall of Artillery shells as they crashed and exploded. The Volksgrenadiers couldn't help themselves, most smiled, though some cheered on, others were silent.

Looking through through the drone cameras, Skrosamzy could see the effectiveness of the shells. They had destroyed multiple trees and had caught a great many Archedians, dozens were killed and a dozen more wounded --- Archedian tanks that were too slow found themselves destroyed as precision strikes destroyed them and 6 tanks were turned into burning wrecks.

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