Oculus's Melody

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(Somewhere in northern Keralia.)

Oculus and Garseri Lockheed follow an old beaten path towards destinations unknown. At the very least, unknown to the Ubersoldat/Monk, Oculus on the otherhand seemed confident on where she was going, her left hand behind her back and the eye of heaven Halberd in her other hand.
The winds howled at them, though it was a gentler howl then what was expected. Flowing past the hulking form of Garseri as she made his way into the snow. Garseri couldn't say for certain, but Oculus seemed motivated, hearing a faint humming coming from the girl, as though she were remembering a happy town from ages long past. But even as the wind howled and as the trees stand frozen, even as the snow coats his armor, Garseri could smell something through his helmet --- The sweet smell of cinnamon buns and freshly baked bread.

Upon catching a whiff of that scent, Oculus smiled and said with genuine joy. "Ah! We're here, Garseri!"

Suddenly, Oculus burst into a run. The snow being kicked up by her legs as she did so, much to Garseri's genuine surprise and admiration, Oculus ran with speeds befitting of not only himself, but of fellow Ubersoldats.

"Hold!" Garseri bellowed, giving chase to the excited child before him.

Dashing through the woods, undoubtedly uprooting the road as he did so, Garseri nearly catch up to Oculus, centuries of experience and training propelling his body to the peak of his super human abilities. For a brief moment, Garseri's body looked as though it were a blur, only slowing down each time he was but a few meters from Oculus.

Astonishing, Oculus continued running and not only that, she was out running the veteran Ubersoldat. Always a few meters or a few hundread meters infront of him as she kept up her relentless sprint.

Oculus took a sharp turn, gliding upon the surface as her hand served to steer her. Picking up immediately, she sprinted again. Only for Garseri to follow up with great determination. He once more got close to his charge and said to her.
"Hold, Oculus! What has you in such an excited sprint?"

Oculus slowed down, allowing the Ubersoldat to catch up to her, if only by a little.
"I wanted to show you something I hold near and dear to my heart, Garseri." She said.
"I figured I take you here to experience this place for yourself, as I had, many times over! Then, I was hoping to speak with you as well, before we confront the Archedian Emperor in the near future."

"I see." Garseri replied.
"You could have told me this sooner, dear child."

Oculus giggled in a mischievous way. Though her giggle only made her appear cute.

As they continued on, Oculus slowed down and gradually came to a walk instead, Garseri followed suit and togheter both of them walked to the top of a hill. At the tail end of what seemed like a short run, which, in reality had been over a mile long path leading to this place. As they crested the hill and looked over the place beyond, Garseri could see a happy smile on Oculus's face, her facial expressions changing to bliss as she smelled the area around her. Soon Garseri also looked and understood.

Beyond the hill that they stood upon lay a flat plateau, occupied by a sizable city at its center, it was a city located right up to the shore and with massive drydocks and docks for ships and other vessels. Lights were seen all through out the city. Alongside an ancient wall that enclosed the inner city, old but still strong, while new urban sprawl was scattered about, spreading through the land and extending from the wall.
Cars rushed about, while bakeries and other establishments made a great many sweets and pastries --- It was then that the Ubersoldat noticed that while he was running after Oculus, there were a great many smaller hamlets they had passed along the road getting here. Explaining that sweet smell in the air.

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