Liberation of the City.

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General Engel road along the main highway leading to the city of Moonia. She had with her a large force from which she can force the surrender of the many Archedian soldiers and sailors within the city, as it had been used as an Archedian naval base and as such had a strong garrison of Archedian soldiers and sailors in the area and if drone reconnaissance is to be believed, there are atlesst 3 Archedian Destroyers and 1 Battleship docked in the city's Port. This is also where the local Archedian garrison had their barracks in that general area as well, thus, making it the vocal point of Archedian resistance. Engel was feeling confident and based on intelligence reports brought to her via drone and reconnaissance teams, the people in the city were beginning to get bold in their action as well. Many would welcome them.

The forces General Engel brought with her were strong, whole platoons worth of Infantry with their Half-tracks, supported by Panzers, drones and Kovenant war robots.

In Particular, Combat Assault Fighting machines. These are fresh from factories back in the Empire and had been recently attached as permanent additions to the 87th just before the Gate incident. Thus, making them useful assets.

However, also accompanying the Kovenant forces were a large number of Partisans, all commanded by Torni himself, they were all hitching a ride by sitting on top of the Panzers and Half-tracks, or were riding horses and trucks they had stolen from the Archedian military over the years.

About 1000 Partisans were with the Kovenant Forces, of which only 600 Kovenant soldiers were present, not counting Panzer crews and other personnel.

General Engel was riding in a staff car sorrounded by Panzers and Half-tracks for protection. However sitting next to her was Torni himself who said.
"It's best if we don't start firing immediately. Remember most of these people are supporters already and they'll gladly help us kick the Archedians out."

General Engel replied.
"I'd like to seize those Archedian vessels docked at Port. According to reconnaissance performed by cloaked scouts, their engines and main guns are under maintenance, they can't use them to Bombard or to sail away. It's either they take smaller lifeboats out to sea and escape or they make a stand here."

"That's a good point." Said Torni.
"Still, we stick to the plan we discussed... You and your men deal with the Archedians at the port, mine will secure the rest of the city, radio towers, television broadcast building, government buildings and all the important infrastructure... Remember, the people are on our side, they've heard of Archedian defeats at the hands of your Kovenant already, best to live up to their expectations of liberators."

General Engel replied.
"I'll leave disputes from the population up to you and your men, you and your troops know Keralian culture better then I do, and it makes for a good public image as well."

Torni smiled.
"Of course."

Soon, as the forces were nearing the outskirts of the city they could hear the sounds of gunfire within. The sound of hundreads of Rifles, as well as machine guns echoed from within and into the outside, followed the yelling and voices of those within.

As they entered the outskirts, they found that their first encounter wasn't Archedian soldiers but families of those who lived in the outskirts coming out to greet them, waving their hands at both the Partisans and the Kovenant Panzers that rolled into the outskirts. Throwing words of gratitude at them.

They'd be welcome in afterall. However the Partisans had the lion's share of the praise and many armed Partisan soldiers were receiving gifts, kisses from the girls and even some sympathetic folk giving these men extra clips of ammunition or food for the coming fight.

One of the lead Panzers infront got on the comms network
"General, shall we proceed?"

"Ja, Panzers will lead the charge but they won't carry the day alone." Said General Engel.
"Infantry and the Partisans will assist you, our objective is the seize the naval dockyards held by the Archedians. Torni and his men will deal with capturing government buildings and key infrastructure, all Kovenant forces! Prepare for Urban Assault!"

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