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Silence befell the battlefield after the fierce fight that took place here. 3rd Platoon with its commander Lieutenant Skrosamzy had held the line, they have defeated the enemy and has had them on the run. Most of the enemy either fled or were killed by the Artillery called down to aid the Kovenant troops.
The Archedian giants too were soundly defeated either being killed or being forced to retreat back across the Gateway from which they came. Now with the area secured, a few hours have passed and the entire rest of the 87th Vrinngrenadier Corp arrived on site. There are now significant forces here as the entire Regiment had been deployed as per orders by its commanding officer; General Engel, herself.
With these forces they secured the area.

Kovenant soldiers set up machine gun nests everywhere, sentry guns as well. Combat Pioneers riding in half tracks armed with dozer blades and other engineering vehicles immediately went to work clearing out all the rubble and debris. There were still many roads that connect and lead from this plaza to the outside of the city, thus, clearing these out are vital.

However Kovenant forces has also called for air in orbit. Particularly, bringing down modules to build a new FOB within hours and the 87th also made sure to build defenses in the event of another attack, bunkers, pillboxes alongside hastily built trenches and foxholes to set up machine guns and to take cover.

All the while, positions were being set up by soldiers who had just recently got off the transports. But there would be more men coming, one thing is for sure though, 3rd Platoon is no longer alone.


Lieutenant Skrosamzy and his men were looking at the Gateway from which the Archedians came from.
While soldiers from other platoons set up defenses to watch the Gate, he and his men were able to get a good look at the structure itself.

The Gate isn't one monolithic structure, rather it was multiple structures. The Gateway itself consisted of a marble and stone step that was elevated up from the ground with each step containing strange letters and symbols that were foreign to the eyes of the Volksgrenadiers and their commanding officers present in the area. The steps that ascended, like how a pyramid would ascend up till it reached as high as a 2nd floor building. Atop those steps was a bronze platform again with inscriptions and symbols that are utterly foreign to the soldiers...
Then there was the Gateway itself, it was large and shaped by a circle, consisting of 2 very large talon like structures made from a material reminiscent of steel that penetrated up from the bronze platform and bends to firm a large circle.

The Gateway as well as the platform leading up to it were large. So large that the Archedians could March Artillery and Giants through it, and indeed, the circular Gate looks as though it was large enough to fit super heavy tanks coming through it.

Nevertheless, Lieutenant Skrosamzy was cautious. However his attention was called away when one of his soldiers walked up to him and said.
"Mein Herr, General Engel wishes to speak with you in her command tent. Says that she has something important for you to do."

With that, Lieutenant looked at the man and said.
"Very well. Tell 3rd Platoon to get ready for a immediately action, tell them to prepare weapons and vehicles ready."

With that, Lieutenant Skrosamzy went off to see General Engel of the 87th Volksgrenadier Regiment. The tent was close by but most the command staff of the 87th was already present here and as such he could talk directly to his superiors.

As he approached the tent the soldiers guarding it let him through and as he stepped in, he could see that the tent was rather empty except for basic communications equipment as well as a small holographic table in the center and as the officers were looking over it, Lieutenant Skrosamzy clicked in his boots and gave a salute.
"General Engel, Lieutenant Skrosamzy reporting. 3rd Company, 3rd Platoon."

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