Battle of the Gods.

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Dominique and Trotsky looked on in awe at what they would witness. As some of the best users of "psychic powers," as the Kovenant describe their powers, they could feel the raw energy building up all around them, Overlord Lucifer, her anger and hatred boiling to levels not thought possible, Trotsky looked to his side and saw Lieutenant Skrosamzy hesitate for a moment, then he turned back as though talking to someone, to his surprise, a familiar commander was here as well... General Engel gave Skrosamzy a pat on the back and whispered something into his ear.
Skrosamzy's eyes widened, but soon he gave a nod, and using his comms system he said.
"Everyone, back up! I say again, back up a good distance!"

Suddenly, the squads of soldiers all around them began to melt away like snow. Like water flowing downstream, the Kovenant troops rapidly got back on their vehicles before reversing, moving faster and faster until they reached a good distance away from Overlord Lucifer... Trotsky was confused.
"Wait... Aren't we supposed to help the Overlord? Why are you fleeing?"

"Because the Overlord herself might cause some collateral damage!" Conrad said.
"We have to give them some room, those two aren't going to stop until one gives in, now move children!"
Conrad grabbed Trotsky by the neck collar and started dragging him along, eventually forcing the young man to sprint.
"You are no safer here than on the ground, go!"

Dominique on the other hand started to back away, slowly. Her gaze was entirely focused on Overlord Lucifer and Oculus. She can perceive what their power looks like, even when all others around her were blind to it themselves.
A purple, pulsing aura surrounded Lucifer's body, imperceptible to normal people. The purple energy that built up all around her was spreading yet in the form of tendrils, moving up and down and in every which direction, yet all of it was still concentrated on her body. Suddenly, the purple aura increased in brightness and intensity, where once it was a dull purple, now it was a blinding light that caused Dominique to momentarily close her eyes. When she looked up again, she could see raw hatred in Lucifer's eyes.

She could see the same for Oculus, her body was also covered head to toe, this time with a light blue aura. Her once lively eyes turned dim, the glow disappearing as she clenched her fists and held her halberd on high for the battle ahead.
Oculus's mouth wavered and contorted until it was struggling to keep its previous shape, and soon, her expression became shallow and false.
"I need not revel in the battle today, for I have always held my sister sacred. I will do what I must."

Reaching out, Oculus pointed her halberd of destiny at her sister dear, as though attempting to silence time. Garseri stood steadfastly by her side, his willpower to fight another Overlord desperately relying on her. From where Dominique stood she could no longer see a little girl the void of all hope, but rather she saw a divine being of defiance and she is not without the will to fight.

Soon Lucifer yelled and lashed out in wrath, leaping forward as her sword was deflected away from its path, to spite the years she has spent here, it is clear that she shall live and she shall fight like the wrath of Heaven.

Oculus then returned the strike, her Halberd splitting armor and divine energies alike, her face was a mix of regret and fear. Her eyes were that of someone hiding all the misery.

Lucifer groaned, gritting her teeth as she got her footing, then with a sonic boom, the Overlord ran up to Oculus and unleashed a flurry of attacks. To the mortal eyes of everyone present on this field, the speed and fury of her attacks were simply indescribable by any mortal vocabulary.
Oculus returned with her own flurry, briefly, it felt as though the ground was shaking beneath them, each one of the Overlords looked like a blur, moving with such great speed and with such purity of purpose, that it looked as though with each flurry, with each strike, that they were teleporting around at a whim.

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