Prolonged eye contact

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Smoke fresh on his breathe, Harry made his way to PE. Thankfully he didn't need to participate since it was his first day.

So Harry sat on the benches against the wall and spent a amusing hour counting how many times bland Bella fell over. It was more than should be possible.

Harry had to admit he might enjoy this lesson, it wasn't Quiditch and it definitively wasn't flying, but it could be fun. Certainly less chances of dying which, while taking most of the fun out of it, did mean there less risk of miraculously surviving a life ending injury.

Harry left the lesson firm in the belief that his time at muggle school would be boring. Exactly the way he wanted. Harry glanced at his watch and froze at the sight of his shaking hands.

Harry made a split decision and made his way to the nearest exit, hid inbetween the PE and the science blocks he fumbled with his lighter before giving up and snapping his fingers. Sending a tendril of magic to create a flame with the friction.

Harry lent against the wall, closed his eyes and exhaled. 2 cigarettes in the space of 2 hours was actually a good day for him. Once again Harry found himself feeling pathetic, having such a dependency on muggle drugs felt weak.

Harry felt eyes on him, he cracked an eye open and peered to his right. He was met with an unusual sight. A young man starred back at him with a mixed expression of confusion, surprise and oddly enough awe.

He was tall and extremely pale with blonde hair running to his chin, deep honey gold eyes pierced into Harry's very soul. His cheekbones (somehow both harsh and soft all at once) cast pleasant shadows over the lower half of his face, defining his jaw and lighting his eyes. He was built with strength, visible muscles obvious through his (clearly expensive) clothing. Harry hated that he acknowledged how attractive the man was.

Physically looked he the same age as the other teenagers that Harry had seen that day, though something in his eyes and the set of his firm jaw told Harry he was older than the 17 or 18 years he presented.

Harry faintly wondered if he'd seen him use magic, but Harry was too paranoid not to notice him there. So instead raised a defiant brow in the direction of the being and turned away, taking another drag of his cigarette, tapping away the ash and exhaling.

The man was still staring at him but Harry ignored him, instead going over all the known magical creatures with golden eyes he was aware of. Gold eyes were an extremely unusual colour to appear in muggles naturally. Constant vigilance had been drilled into Harry by now and it wouldn't do to be caught off guard.

The main creature that came to mind was werewolf, though the tiny town of Forks would notice monthly attacks. Wolfs-bane was hard to grow or get hold of in this part of the country and no registered packs lived here. So werewolf was unlikely.

Some Vela had unusual eye colours and the man was definitely conventionally attractive enough to be considered one. There was also the possibility of other hybrid species, though he would need to research in more detail.

There was also the possibility that the man was just that, a man who was pale and had strange eyes. Though his Potter luck denied the possibility completely.

Harry sighed, putting out his finished cigarette and turning to leave for his chemistry lesson. He'd have to do some reading tonight.

The golden eyed man was already gone, not that Harry really cared much. Providing he left Harry alone he had no issue with magical creatures.

Harry however had a bad feeling that, from the look in the mans eye, he wouldn't be left alone.

With another sigh Harry made his way to his lesson, well aware he was now late. He entered the room to find class already in session, the dark haired male teacher leading it shot him a disapproving look that Harry ignored.

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