Petty Spite and Promises

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Silence filled the room following the Coven leaders unanswered offer.

Jasper awkwardly lowered himself onto the sofa next to Rosalie, clearly uncomfortable with the rooms atmosphere.

Harry looked Carlisle up and down, the Auror in him examining the man for any sign of a threat. As expected, Harry found none.

"I'd prefer to stand thanks." Carlisle nodded once, an annoyingly kind smile still shining across the room.

"My name, as you know, is Carlisle Cullen and I would be considered the leader of my coven." Carlisle held out his right hand, on the ring finger lay a signet ring. The crest of a hand, a lion and three clovers were displayed above the word Cullen.

Harry had similar rings on his own right hand, covered by his glamours.

Harry enjoyed the amusement that bubbled inside him and he set about outdoing the vampire.

Harry offered his own right hand, allowing the rings to become visible to the muggle eye. A few gasps rang around the room (Bland-Bella, the pixie and Esme) as they watched the rings seemingly materialize out of thin air.

"Harry James Potter, head of the ancient and noble houses of Potter, Peverell and black. First order of Merlin." and Master of death went unsaid.

Carlisle blinked, clear curiosity burning in his gaze.

Harry allowed his magic to reabsorb the rings under his glamour and tucked the hand back in his pocket.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Harry tried not to feel put out that his effort at harassing them didn't go as he hoped.

"So you're a witch or something right?" came the annoying voice of Swan.

Harry fixed her with an icy glare.

"The only reason I have permitted your presence is because Jasper assured me that you would be turned by the time you finished school. Do not push your luck with me Muggle. Just because I saved your life doesn't make us friends." Harry remembered himself having a similar conversation with a blonde ferret many years ago and couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic.

Bland-Bella looked completely stunned to be spoken to in such a way. Out of the corner of his eyes Harry noticed Rosalie smirk with vicious intent.

Harry turned his glare back to the leader of this shit show.

"While we're on the subject; might i remind you that while you're breaking your laws by letting a human know of your secrets, you're also breaking my laws by telling her of mine. A little rude don't you think?" Harry let some of his magic seep through his pores, adding a little more intent to his words.

Carlisle's expression turned fearful for a second before turning somber and apologetic.

"I have to give you my sincerest apologies for my lack of discretion. It had not occurred to me that your own community would of course have these laws." Harry scoffed "I can assure you that Isabella will be turned by the time she finishes school. The Volturi have demanded it."

A pointed look was sent in Edwards direction at this statement. Clearly something was going on there but Harry could honestly care less about the Cullen family drama so ignored it.

"I will accept your apology, but I will not forget. I will also have to make my own assurances that Miss Swan remains silent on this matter, I'm sure you understand." Carlisle looked uncomfortable, it felt good to ruffle the endlessly positive mans feathers.

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