Brothers and the Threat of Molly Weasley

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Harry starred at the Weasley's owl in mollified horror.

It had been months since he had contact with them, by this time they had probably learnt that Grimmauld place was empty. But since Harry hadn't received any letters he had thought he'd escaped the ever lasting guilt and longing that came with seeing his family.

Of course he loved them. He loved them more than anything, they had been with him and supported him through everything.

But every time he looked at them he couldn't help but see the faces of the ones he had held onto while he watched the light fade from their eyes.

It hurt.

He knew they felt the same.

But everyone seemed to cope with it better than him.

Even on a good day Harry danced on the edge of a breakdown.

He supposed it was leftover emotion from his childhood. He hadn't really had the opportunity to express much of anything at the time.

Harry steeled himself and approached the window, welcoming in the old battered owl.

He reached to take the letter from the poor thing, it was a millisecond before his fingers brushed the paper that he sensed his mistake.

A tracking spell, a strong one.

He should've felt it sooner but he was blinded by his own weak emotions.

The crack that split the air didn't surprise Harry, nor did the tip of a wand pressed firmly on his Adam's apple.

Bills eyes bore into him, concern, relief and anger masked by a cold indifference gave for an intimidating (stare for anyone who hadn't had Snape as a teacher for the worse part of six years).

He looked the same as he had when Harry last saw him, despite being well into his sixties Bill looked 30 years younger than he should.

Harry idly noted they had matching dragon tooth earrings, obvious gifts from the dragon obsessed Charlie.

Jasper lept to his feet at the arrival of an apparent stranger in Harry's home.

Bill didn't seem to notice the day walkers presences but Harry had the good sense to raise a hand, letting the blood sucker know there was no need to attack.

"I solemnly swear." Bill said, voice leaking with suspicion.

The paranoia from the war had never faded, various embarrassing or oddly specific questions still being flung about at every greeting.

Harry rolled his eyes, unable to hide his amusement. He often wondered if Sirius, Remus and his Father would be proud to know that their iconic line now replaced Hello.

"I am up to no good." finished Harry, smirking now.

Relief burst through Bill and soon Harry found himself in a rather intimate hug. The wand thankfully no longer aimed at his person.

Harry hugged back, pretending Jasper wasn't six paces away from them and watching with a confused, jealous stare.

Bill seemed to collect himself and pulled back from Harry, hands resting on his shoulders to examine his little brother closely.

"You look bloody awful." he spat bluntly, eyeing the bags under Harry's eyes and the way his jumper hung from his frame a little more than last time.

"How sweet of you to notice." replied Harry, rolling his eyes and plonking himself back down on the blood stained sofa.

Bill took time to look around the room next.

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