The Savage Truth

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Jasper turned a page of his book, trying to stay calm as if his current situation was a daily occurrence.

However, internally, he was rather distracted.

The reason for his distraction currently had their face pressed firmly against Jasper's thigh.

Harry was laying next to him.

In Jasper's bed.

With Jasper.

Jasper tore his eyes away from his book to glance down at the raven haired man.

He was so soft like this.

When awake, Harry was a smirking, scowling force of nature with an attitude and the clothes to go with it. All sharp edges and harsh shadows. Sick looks of amusement or devastated sadness lurking in those green eyes. Glorious with every breathe he took.

But when he was asleep, he was lovely. Rumpled clothing and warmth, blended with a peace Jasper didn't think someone as sassy as Harry was capable of. His skin looked bright and stood out against the soft sheets, his hair undone and flowing over the pillow his head lay on.

At first he had layed flat on his back while Jasper had sat close next to him and read. They had talked quietly for a short while before his breaths turned deep and slow.

Harry had fidgeted and shifted in his sleep, twisting his lithe body into adorable positions.

Jasper had returned to read his book and grew used to Harry's movements.

So when he felt hot breath and warm skin make contact to his leg, he had frozen.

Glancing down to see how Harry, deep in sleep, had crept closer and closer until he was pressed against him. How his body now curled around Jasper. It had melted his long frozen heart.

Jasper couldn't help but glance down from his book every now and then to remind himself of what he had.

He loved him.

The thought shouldn't have shocked him but it did.

He loved Harry.

How could he not? Sure, the mate bond pulled them together. But Harry was brave, strong, defiant, honest, sarcastic and so much more.

If Jasper felt the way he did now after only knowing his Harry a short few weeks then the rest of eternity would be glorious.

His body shivered to remember the argument he had witnessed between Harry and Edward.

When Edward had raised his voice at Harry, asking stupid questions with obvious answers and then somehow managing to bring Edwards internal battle between heaven and hell into the conversation.

Jasper could've strangled Edward after feeling the emotions that battled inside Harry.

But those urges had soon to something very different when Harry had practically glowed with power. The lights flickering and the air thickening.

Not for the first time Harry had filled Jasper with awe at the very sight of him.

The raw strength of him was overwhelming.

It made Jasper feel safe, protected. Feelings he hadn't felt since he was human.

Jasper was finally beginning to realize how much he had underestimated Harry.

And it clearly went further than his mates real age.

With current events it was becoming obvious that it was time to reveal his past actions to Harry. Things were beginning to grow more serious between them and Harry deserved to know who he was involving himself with.

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