His Peverell

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Jasper swam numbly through another week of school. While resisting the temptation of pumping veins surrounding him was getting easier, it didn't stop school from being a hellscape.

If super hearing and the desire to kill your classmates wasn't enough then their toxic teenage emotions certainly were. Jasper looked forward to the day he could return to college or work were the hormones had at least some idea of what balance meant.

It was easier for his siblings, Emmett thought humans were funny, Rose enjoyed being better than them in every possible way, Alice found them endearing and Edward had found his mate there, a silent mind among the babble of human thoughts.

It was another dull grey day in Forks. Jasper was making his way to his final lesson, Chemistry. Their teacher, Dr Jeffery, was a grumpy man who usually gave jasper a headache with the negative energy that rolled off him.

He took a short cut through the back exit of the Sports block, trying to avoid any groups of students. It was easier to ignore a single tempting smell than 5 all gathered together.

This part of the school was usually deserted, so nearly stumbled when a strong scent punched him in the gut as he passed the mouth of an alley between the school buildings. An exotic mix of ink, lemon zest, tobacco and lightening flooded his nostrils. Jasper blindly sought the smell, only idly noticing he felt no hunger from this smell as his eyes landed on a figure leaning against the wall of the alley.

He was beautiful. Cool tanned skin, long thick dark curls piled artfully atop his head. A clean cut jaw arched towards the gloomy sky, eyes closed in deep peace. The bridge of his nose had a soft, sweet bump were it had clearly been broken in the passed, below it smoke exhaled through plump lips. If Jasper had breath it would be stolen from him by the glorious creature before him.

For the first moment in longer-than-a-lifetime Jasper understood Edwards miserable songs and poetic monologues about Bella.

This boy was perfect.

Was his.

Suddenly the face of his angle was tilted in his direction, his creature opened one eye and examined him with an unimpressed look.

If Jasper's heart had a beat it would be stuttering.

He'd never seen eyes so green. Thick lashes, hooded lids and lightly bruised from a clear lack of sleep, his eyes were enchanting. A deep green that seemed to swirl and buzz with an electricity that pulled harshly at the core of Jasper's very being.

A defiant brow pulled up as if to ask 'can I help you?' and Jasper felt himself tumble deeper into adoration. He turned away from Jasper, eyes closing and continuing to smoke. Jasper was impressed that a human could ignore him like that.

Jasper took this time to appraise the rest of him. He was tall, about the same height as Edward (so a little shorter than Jasper, as he happily reminded Edward in the good-natured way that only brothers could). His build was lithe, clearly fast and able to fight back. Jasper would bet he was mostly muscle and bone.

From his build and the obvious previous break in his nose, Jasper deduced his human was probably a trouble maker of some kind.

Jasper realized he was still staring so forced himself to continue his way to Chemistry, his thoughts plagued with green eyes and plans of getting the mysterious boy to talk to him.

He sat in his assigned seat in a daze. Unable to focus on the properties of Hydrogen when a human so perfectly his was only meters away.

The door opened suddenly, Jasper's head whipped around of its own accord as a familiar smell filled the room. The boy strolled to meet an irritated teacher head on, clearly unaffected by the disapproval that poured off him in waves.

"You must be Mr Peverell, how nice of you to join us." Peverell his last name was Peverell. The boy, Peverell, merely looked at Dr Jeffery with the same blank, unimpressed look he'd given Jasper. The teachers annoyance flared hotly "Next to Mr Hale please."

Dr Jeffery nodded in Jasper's direction and Jasper couldn't stop himself from holding his breath as those green eyes landed on him. Peverell tilted his head and Jasper enjoyed the soft bubble of curiosity that was spreading over him.

Peverell sat next to him with no hesitation or visible reaction to the human instinct to run from Jasper. In fact he seemed deep in thought.

A sudden shock of disappointment stabbed into Peverell, so out of the blue that Jasper couldn't help but turn sharply in his direction. Why was he so disappointed? Had something upset him?

Jasper pushed out those questions and focused on rational thought. If he was desperate he could always ask Edward what his Peverell was thinking.

He was clearly thinking something over. he looked concentrated, though definitely not the lesson. Mulling something over, considering and weighing up options in his mind. He looked conflicted, yet firm. As if making a decision.

Jasper couldn't prevent the concern that swelled in him as he frowned at the boy. Was he okay?

His mouth was just gathering the courage to ask when the bell shocked through his system. Before he could even process it Peverell had packed his things and left the classroom.

Jasper forced a calming breath, pushing away the desire to chase him. He needed to talk to his family, let them know the news and see what they knew. Maybe Alice had seen this, knew more about Peverell.

A first name would be a good start.

Jasper was surprised, uneasy and a little proud as he exited the building to see Peverell sat on his motorbike smoking another cigarette.

Surprised because Peverell had only been here a day and seemed to enjoy it about as much as Jasper did so why was he hanging around after school?

Uneasy because Peverell was currently examining his siblings and Bella with a deeply critical eye, as if dissecting them over and over. Similar to the way Bella had looked at Edward before she found out, though Peverell looked more attractive and less like a lost puppy while doing it.

And just a little bit proud that while speed demon Edward's mate was a human who's truck that, while a classic, could barely push 40 and Emmett could never talk Rosalie into buying anything other than a designer car; his was perched on a royal blue 1977 Triumph. Complete with obscure band stickers that even Jasper hadn't heard of.

Jasper made his way over to his family, attracting their attention in a hurried tone.

"Family meeting, now." he rushed, they frowned at him but all piled into the car. Well, all except Edward who was placating a whining Bella. Jasper ignored the arguing couple and instead focused on Alice.

From the look on her face she was confused by his request, which meant she hadn't seen Peverell or hadn't seen that he would be Jasper's.

Edward finally got in the car and Jasper couldn't help his lip from twitching at the relief Peverell let out from seeing that it was his brothers car.

He dared to look at the boy as the car passed him and was pleasantly shocked to find green eyes locked firmly with his. Jasper basked in the gaze of those green eyes long after they had left the parking lot. 

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