A Serious Development

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Jasper glared at the house, a house that was supposed to be his home; but it had been feeling less and less like that since Harry arrived.

He was annoyed that his time with Harry had been cut short. It had been so lovely to see him in his own space. He seemed so much more at peace there.

His eyes didn't dance around looking for threats and the cigarettes were smoked for enjoyment, rather than lit with shaking hands.

Meeting Bill had made a few things clear to Jasper.

Harry didn't have any of his own blood related family left to count on so he had found himself a family to be part of. Much like Jasper had done.

Because of course, while Alice was erratic, Edward moody, Rose uptight, Emmett was annoying, Esme was too meek and Carlisle was on a level of purity that was out of reach for all of them: they were still a family. They still loved each other.

That's what Harry had found.

Though the bond between Harry and Bill seemed more like the one between himself and Peter. A bond formed in blood.

Jasper didn't pretend to understand wizarding aging but judging from how young Harry looked compared to Bill there must be a great many years between them. So Jasper wondered if there were others, closer to Harry's age that had brought the two Brothers together.

Jasper wondered where they were, if they were still close to Harry.

It had felt like something was missing, the turned picture frames in Harry's home only further solidified to him that Harry had a complicated story to tell.

Finding out his age had been shocking enough.

Though he while was 40 years older than originally thought, Jasper was still very much a cradle robber being almost 200.

Jasper held in a sigh and entered the house.

The sight that greeted him in the living room was tense.

Bella was curled into Edwards side, Esme and Alice close by as if to offer comfort. Rosalie sat on the opposite side of the room, stony faced and arms crossed. Emmett stood by his wife looking uncomfortable.

Carlisle lingered in the middle between the two sides, face wary and somber.

He met Jasper's eyes with a look of apology.

"I am sorry that we cut your time with Harrison so short." Jasper tried not to roll his eyes at Carlisle's refusal to call his mate by his actual name. Now that Jasper thought on it, why did Harry have a fake name?

"There's been a bit of an incident." Carlisle continued, unaware of Jasper's lack of interest or attention "Edward found the scent of another vampire in Bella's room."

That did grab Jasper's attention, he turned questioning eyes to his brother. Who was staring at him with a deep alarmed frown.

Jasper tried not to smirk.

Edward couldn't read him.

"Why can't I hear you?" snapped Edward, rather than explain the possible danger his mate was in.

Jasper stopped trying to hide his smirk.

"Harry." he replied simply, Edwards face curled from alarm to confused annoyance.

"He can do that?" Jasper shrugged at the question, feeling the answer was obvious.

Edward silenced himself, unheard thoughts apparently rushing in his mind. A range of complicated feelings bubbling under the skin.

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