The Vicious Reality

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Harry examined the star splattered sky as he and Bill waited for the Cullen's to join them outside their own front door.

Honestly for beings with super-speed they truly were slow.

It had to be nearing the early hours of the morning by now and Harry wondered what Charlie Swan was doing.

Sleeping? Working?

Blissful in his ignorance of the situation his daughter had invited herself into or worrying that his teenager was sleeping over at her boyfriends house?

It all seemed so unfair to Harry. The more he thought about it the more his emotions towards Swan tangled and complicated.

On one hand she was young, insecure and obviously infatuated (bordering on obsessed) with Edward. She didn't really know what she was getting herself into and part of him admired her for standing by Edward through thick and thin. It was obvious their relationship was a complicated one, clearly more had happened to them than Harry knew (or cared) about.

But on the other hand she was stubborn, ungrateful and desperate to make herself matter in a world that she clearly didn't belong to. Her pride stood in her way rather than making her respectable. She clawed at the Cullen's lives, carving herself a place. And it didn't seem like she had been invited.

Not to mention that Harry would kill, anyone and everyone he had to, to have his Father alive and worried about him.

Despite his age the longing for a life he'd never have didn't fade.

It probably never would.

The unfairness of it would forever plague Harry.

He would never escape it.

There was no way of getting over it either. Everyone responsible for it was long dead by now, there was no one to seek revenge on anymore.

"Leading another army into battle then Potter?" Harry snapped out of his thoughts to shoot a glare in Bills direction.

Bill sniggered under his breath.

"I'm not leading, merely tagging along." defended Harry, ignoring the grin that slipped onto Bills face.

"I don't think it's ever been in your nature to 'tag along' Harry." Bills reply was oddly wistful, despite his cheeky grin.

Harry rolled his eyes and lit himself a cigarette.

7 blurred shapes appeared to their right, Bland-Bella slipped off of Edwards back making them a group of 8.

"Took your time." Harry quipped, smirking directly at Jasper and ignoring the others.

Jasper returned the look and strolled over to stand next to Harry while he finished his cigarette.

The others went into the hideous house, Bill and Emmett both shooting them suggestive looks as they passed.

They stood in silence, watching the stars.

Harry examined the dog star with a pang in his heart.

The same longing as moments before growing in him again.

It hurt even more to know he could never join them in the afterlife.

It had been the most comforting thought during the war.

If he died, at least he'd be back with the ones he loved.

Harry's eyes slipped closed as he fell into that feeling, the ever pressing need to belong throbbing in the pit of his stomach.

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