Family meeting

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They had all gathered in the living room, waiting in dull silence for Carlise to join them. Jasper could tell it was more than just him who had things to say in this meeting, Alice and Edward were full of curious worry.

Jasper could only hope that whatever they were thinking had nothing to do with the boy.

Just as Emmett gave his sixth sigh of annoyance at being made to wait their Fathers car pulled in and his soft steps were heard making their way toward them.

Carlise smiled kindly as he took in the bored (Emmett) and anxious (Everyone else) faces of his family. He sat next to Esme, gifting her a soft kiss on the cheek before turning to face the immortal teens he considered children.

Jasper couldn't help but imagine what kissing Peverell's cheek would feel like, Edwards head whipped in his direction and he hurriedly hid the thought.

"So, Jasper called this meeting. Why don't you start son." offered the head of their family, smiling a supportive parental smile at his eldest son.

Jasper took an unnecessary breathe.

"There's a new boy at school. He's my mate." Joy burst out of Alice, Emmett, Carlise and Esme. Who all beamed at him with silent Congratulations.

Rosalie felt conflicted, half happy for him while the other half was split between worry and annoyance. Jasper assumed worry for the risk another human caused the family and annoyance at having to cope with another human.

Edward was a little different he felt unsure and concerned. Jasper turned to him, expectantly wanting an answer. Edward met his searching eyes and hesitated.

"I can't read him." replied Edward, Jasper frowned while Rosalie's worry raced to the front of her emotions.

"Like Bella?" asked Esme, concern leaking into her tone. Edward shook his head.

"No, with Bella it's like she's not even there. With the boy it's like walking into a wall and bouncing off again." Interest spiked in Carlise as he considered Edwards words.

"A different human ability of shielding perhaps, I see why you are unsure Edward. Are you able to read him Jasper?" Jasper nodded in reply.

"Maybe not as clearly as others." he admitted "But I can still feel him." Carlise nodded while Emmett grinned the wording. Jasper shot him a look.

"Alice?" asked their father again. Alice smiled a dreamy smile.

"I can't see him." Jasper frowned, he'd never heard Alice so pleased about not seeing someone. "But it's not like with the wolves. With them it's blackness, I can't see at all and everyone disappears. With him it's like he's just out of sight, stood at the corner of my eye. I can see everyone else, it just feels like there's a gap missing. I kept seeing so many visions of Jasper looking so happy and I couldn't see why, but now I realize." she shot Jasper a bright smile, her pure happiness forcing a smile to his own face.

"We don't know anything about him." interrupted Rosalie, she shot Jasper an apologetic look "I know he's yours Jasper, but if Edward can't read him then we can't trust him." Jasper nodded slowly, hating that rationally he agreed.

"I know Rose, but that won't stop me from trying." Jasper was firm in that. He had waited years for his mate and now that he found him he was not about to give it up because Edward couldn't read his mind.

"We wouldn't expect you to turn down your mate for us Jasper. We will tread carefully and be cautious. This boy is only a threat if we make him into one." interrupted Carlise, Rosalie and Edward didn't look convinced "This is good news. What's his name?"

Jasper opened his mouth to explain he only knew the boys last name when Edward interrupted him.

"Harrison Peverell." Jasper let the name of his soulmate wash over him while sending silent thanks to Edward for telling him. "His name was going round and round in Stanley's head so fast it made me dizzy." he explained with a scowl.

Jasper forced himself to hold back the growl that wanted to burst out at the idea of someone else thinking about his Harrison. Edward smirked at him.

"Harrison will be as welcome in this house as Bella is." said Carlise with a wide honest smile. Emmett snorted and looked at his wife.

"Hear that Rosie? Another human you can bully." Rosalie smirked while Edward shot him a scowl. Jasper merely smiled faintly at his blonde sister, she met his eyes and became serious again.

"I respect your choice to be with your mate but I've already been forced to move for one human, I'm not doing it for another. I will protect my mate and this family if he poses a threat." Jasper gave her a single nod of acceptance. Edward sniffed.

"You wanted to kill Bella when I had a meeting about her and you nearly did at her birthday." Jasper knew his brother was just stating facts but it still hurt to be reminded of his weakest moments. "I've forgiven you for those things and you know that." continued Edward clearly reading his thoughts.

"I'll support you in this because I know how it feels. But I agree with Rose and Carlise that we need to tread carefully. There's something different about the way he deflects me." Jasper sent endless thoughts of thanks to his brother, merely giving a heartfelt smile out loud.

"Since Edward has raised concerns I think it wise that we keep an eye on Harrison. Observe from a distance, it would be good to learn his character regardless since he's hopefully going to join our family permanently." he flashed a loving smile in Jasper's direction, everyone ignored the way Edwards face twisted at the hint of turning a human to be part of their family.

"Maybe another human going through the same thing would be good for Bella." suggested Esme, her usual motherly care taking over. Edward seemed to like that idea while Rose rolled her eyes.

Jasper understood his families concerns and he agreed with them wholeheartedly. The Bella situation was difficult for all of them, but she was clearly just a human that Edward couldn't read. His Harrison, while also just a human, could evade two powerful gifts.

There was a huge part of Jasper that felt pride to have a mate who could hide from Alice and block Edward. The rest of him felt anxious about it, if his siblings couldn't get a read on him then how could he make sure his mate was safe?

Jasper took another rational breath and thought of his strategy, all he needed to do was talk to him. They had chemistry the next day before lunch, all Jasper had to do was talk to him. Getting to know his mate would be a pleasure, he wondered if they had things in common.

Did they read the same books or like the same music?

Jasper hoped his mate would be accepting of his past actions and the marks left on his body because of it.

He stared out the window and counted the hours until he could see Harrison again.

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