First words and Rude in-laws

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Harry turned up to school with purpose; to begin his investigation of the Cullen Family/coven. After more debating last night Harry had been forced to cope with the fact he had never been able to leave anything alone, and that he wasn't able to break the habit of a lifetime now.

So here he was, perched on his bike and smoking, again.

The Volvo hadn't arrived yet but the Chevy had. Bella was lingering beside it, clearly waiting for the Cullen's to arrive. Anxiously glancing around every 3 minutes to make sure she hadn't missed them.

Harry took a deep drag of his smoke and examined her body language. She fidgeted and shifted on her feet a lot, playing with her hair or the sleeve of her oversized shirt. She wore a lot of layers, a vest visible under her t-shirt and then a large button up over the top of that. Simple jeans and predicable branded trainers, her rucksack a pale gray colour that matched the clouds nearly perfectly.

She was separate from the Cullen's in a lot of aspects. It must be hard to date someone so different from you. Though Harry supposed a lot of their differences may only be skin deep.

His musing was interrupted by the ugly car pulling in and parking next to Bella's truck. Bella smiled a bright smile, she seemed more alive when she didn't look so miserable.

Edward was out and was already by Bella's side before the others had even managed to open the doors. Soon the other 3 and Hale were gathered in a small group, a little separate from Edward and Bella.

Hale was facing Harry's direction but was talking with his siblings in what looked like a casual friendly manner.

Edward seemed to be explaining something to Bella, his 4 siblings glancing at the couple periodically.

Bella's eyes turned wide and excited, her gaze shot to Hale and then suddenly settled on Harry. Harry frowned a little at that, unsure why he was related to the conversation. The glance in his direction seemed to be purposeful. In fact now that he focused on it the entire group kept sending him subtle glances. It was something to add to the growing pile of questions to be answered.

The couple joined the rest of the group, Bella said something to Hale that triggered an honest smile and a nod in reply. Harry made himself look away from that smile, mildly horrified by the tug it pulled in his stomach.

Instead he finished his cigarette and immediately (much to the silent judgement of the sheltered population of Forks high) put another between his lips. If he intended to get some answers he couldn't be distracted by shaking hands or random spikes of anxiety.

Harry was too busy lighting it to see the concerned look Hale gave him from across the car park.

* * *

The first two lessons of the morning were the same as the day before, teachers giving him annoyed looks when he strolled in late and went to his seat without a word. Students giving him looks they thought he couldn't see and whispering about him.

But now it was the third hour of the day and it was time to observe Hale.

Harry still didn't bother arriving on time, it wouldn't do to break the habit of a lifetime over some potential creatures. Besides he couldn't have them suspecting he was up to anything.

So Harry ignored the glare that Doctor J-something gave him as he entered the classroom and strolled calmly to his seat next to Hale. Hale glanced in his direction before turning back to his book.

Harry looked over the worksheets in front of him, the entire class was talking quietly in small groups while vaguely doing their work. No Chemistry was not at all like Potions, Several heavy books would have already made contact with heads if this was Snape's class.

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