Confusion in the Lions Den

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Jasper paced anxiously back and forth in Carlisle's study.

Edward had just received a panicked call from Bella. She'd been attacked by a mugger while shopping for books (more tragic romance novels most likely) and who had swooped in to save her? Getting stabbed in the process?

His Harrison.

Jasper had known at first glance that his mate was a trouble maker. The smoking, the motorbike and the second hand leather sort of gave it away, not to mention that grin. But he hadn't predicted this level of trouble so soon.

He'd hoped to go at least a month of knowing his soulmate before they nearly died.

Jasper gave a harsh tug to his blonde curls.

It didn't help that Isabella swan was vague at the best of times, saying 'he cut Harrison' was nowhere near enough detail. He'd wanted to snatch the phone from Edwards hand and demand to know step by step exactly what had happened to his Harrison, but Edward was too fast for him. Especially when worrying about his own mate.

Jasper did send him venomous thoughts of 'at least your mate didn't get stabbed' but was sadly ignored.

So here he was; waiting, pacing and hoping. He needed Harrison to be okay.

He wouldn't survive losing his mate. He knew he wouldn't.

It didn't help that the last time he saw Harrison he had that woman's arms tightly wound around his waist.

Jasper settled firmly in the idea that he would change Harrison if necessary. He was not as naive as Edward, not as stupid.

He would not lose Harrison.

Not now.

Not ever.

A car pulled up in front of the house.

Jasper bit the side of his thumb to stop himself from darting to the door to meet the other half of his soul. Carlisle sent him a look.

Three doors opened and closed. Bella's scent still sent a pulling sensation to his gut, but it was easily covered by the intoxicating one of his mate.

Jasper had found it odd that he didn't thirst for Harrison's blood. It wasn't that he didn't smell good, in fact he smelt incredible. But Jasper didn't lust after the scent... not in that way anyway.

It was something he would need to ask his family about, now that Harrison would be close enough for them all to properly scent. That thought made jealousy twist in his gut. No one should be smelling his mate but him.

Jasper pushed away the irrational possessive thoughts to turn and watch the door open.

Esme, Edward and Bella all stood there, leading a bleeding Harrison behind them.

Jasper let himself take in the sight of his wounded mate, he looked a little paler than normal and was holding his bleeding arm gingerly to his chest. It was a decently deep cut, not enough to cause serious damage but one that would need stitches and would take weeks to heal. His sweet nose was bleeding, leaving thick trails of red going to his chin. Jasper couldn't help but notice the blood had been licked off his lips. Jasper blinked a few times and refocused himself.

Harrison's eyes flickered to the painting of Carlisle with the Volturi, his eyes narrowed a fraction as if considering something before they turned back to examine Carlisle. What had he been thinking when he looked at that painting?

Carlisle stepped forward and invited Harrison to sit. Harrison did so with little visible reply

Jasper, ignoring his mother, sibling and Bella as they left, took a deep look at his mates emotions. Curiosity, a guarded feeling that seemed ready to bolt at a moments notice and a strange sense of boredom? How could he be bored? He was bleeding and about to be sewn together, where was the panic? The fear? The pain?

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