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Happy new year babies xoxo

well the time is here, its the last chapter. it's been a pretty intense and crazy journey for me to do this. i am still so grateful and happy that this was enjoyed by so many wonderful people so for the last time in this story i say thank you. i'm feeling quite emotional about this ngl, i don't think i've ever finished anything in my life so this is a bit of a milestone.

i really hope you enjoy, have enjoyed and continue to enjoy this silly little escape from reality.

eat up kids, dinners ready


The Cullen's lurched back in alarm, wide eyed and scared.

Even Bill stuttered back a few steps, he hadn't seen Mortuus' true form before.

Swan cowered behind Edward, her self preservation finally kicking in.

Harry was the only one who didn't falter, he merely raised his bloodied chin in defiance and raised a brow.

"That wasn't meant to be an invite." he spat back, annoyed.

He had been attempting to ease Jasper into the conservation of death being a frequent (mostly unwelcome) house guest but now, it was there for all the world to see.

The rest of the Cullen's were apparently learning a lot about him today.

"Oh, but I heard it as one, darling." came the teasing reply.

Out of the corner of Harry's eye, Jasper tensed.

Harry sighed.

"Well it wasn't. Kindly fuck off." The Cullen's became even more still, obviously expecting some kind of wrath from this strange being.

Death gave an eerie chuckle.

"So eager. No Harry, show me your arm. I'm sure it must be uncomfortable." the tone was soothing now, encouraging Harry to obey.

It did the opposite.

Harry scowled.

"It's nothing. Just go-" another harsher wave of nausea cut him off, he staggered; almost pitching forward only to be steadied by Death's (annoyingly warm) hand on his shoulder.

Jasper's breath hitched to see those skeleton hands grasping his Harry.

Harry wrenched himself from Mort's grip and struggled to stand alone.

The pain was worse now.

Almost unbearable.

With the twitch of a bony finger Harry's sleeve rolled up and revealed the blackening bite mark.

The collective horrified gasp that followed made Harry clench his teeth in annoyance.

He didn't need their pity. He was fine.

Another blinding wave of pain corrected him.

Carlisle -apparently over his shock of seeing the embodiment of death- rushed forward.

"You were bitten. You're turning, Harry, I'm so sorry you were brought into this." Came the helpless apology.

"The venom can't kill you, but it's trying to. Reaching your organs one by one, shutting them down and turning them to stone." stated Death, tone cool and unaffected.

"It could go on for hours, it could be days. A human takes three days to turn. A wizard much the same. You, however Harry, are a whole different story." Harry scowled at Mortuus. He could sound a little more bothered about Harry's current predicament.

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