Confrontation and Unanswered Questions

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Harry lets Jasper lead him to a clearing amongst the thick forest. It reminded him a lot of his childhood, sneaking through the forbidden forest to cause mischief and chaos.

But this felt different, less adrenaline flowing through his veins. No fear or dread that would come from walking through the forest where he first died.

No, here there was just a mild buzz of anticipation. Harry steadied himself for all eventualities, after all hybrid Vampires were predictably unpredictable.

Hopefully Jasper would still have a head at the end of this conversation but if he didn't that was just the way it went.

Jasper seemed to be having an internal war with himself as he paced back and fourth, the pine needles creating a messy pattern under his feet.

Harry lent against the nearest tree and lit another cigarette.

A few minutes passed before Harry lost his patients.

"Are we going to talk or is my task just to watch you fret?" Jasper stopped abruptly at this question and turned to Harry, squaring his shoulder in a way that was frankly embarrassing for a supposed killing machine.

Harry raised a brow.

"There's something I need to tell you." Started Jasper unsteadily.

"Uh-huh." muttered Harry absently, taking another breathe of smoke.

Jasper didn't seem to notice his disinterest, far too focused on his little speech.

"Before I do, I need to say that I-" Jasper broke off to take a dramatic breath. "I hope it doesn't change things between us. That I'm not crazy and I can prove what I'm about to tell you. That if you don't want to associate with me again I understand."

Harry forced himself not to roll his eyes, listening to a vampire audition for the next hit teen drama was not what he had in mind when he pictured this conversation. Reasonably, he knew that Jasper was probably very nervous and scared as hell. But that didn't do a lot to calm Harry's mild exasperation.

Jasper took another deep breathe and met Harry's eyes.

"I'm a vampire." he revealed, his panic barely hidden just under the skin.

Harry took another slow drag of his cigarette, aware that he was being cruel by letting Jasper stew his is reveal.

Harry exhaled and watched the cloud of smoke dissipate, before meeting Jasper's eyes again.

"I know." he replied plainly.

Jasper blinked.

"It's a little obvious. Painfully obvious if I'm honest." Harry remarked casually, continuing to smoke as if nothing remotely remarkable was being discussed.

Silence passed between them for a few stunned seconds.

"You know?" came the shaky question, Harry nodded.

Jasper pinched the bridge of his nose, he seemed stressed.

"How much do you know?" Harry shrugged, examining the vampire closely.

"Enough, I suppose." Jasper ripped his hand away from his face and gave Harry a look.

"That doesn't answer the question." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I know you're a blood sucking bunny-muncher who's far too old to be planning a date to this years prom. I know that your coven leader has spent at least some portion of their eternity closely snuggled up with the leaders of your race. I know about the Volturi too. Real messy government you've got going on there." the statement 'it's even worse than mine' went left unsaid (though it was thought so loudly that Edward probably heard it)

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