Suspicions and cold tea

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Harry, spread over the rug of his living room with Buckbeak pressed into his side, stared at the ceiling and thought.

He'd spent an hour looking over his books on magical creatures and was left with the same conclusion he had already come to. To observe before responding.

The only new pieces of information he had learnt about the creature he suspected the Cullen's were, was the fact that they didn't have fangs. Instead all of their teeth were razor sharp, meaning a bite would be much more painful. Harry had been bitten by normal vampires before and four fangs sinking into his flesh had been uncomfortable enough let alone 32 of them. The other was that their eyes turned black when they were hungry or angry.

Usually related to their mates or over food, two things they were known to be possessive of.

While it was reassuring that he didn't make Hale hungry, he did wonder if he would be able to trigger his eyes to change to black. That would be a huge confirmation of his suspicions. While it probably wasn't a good idea to plan a way to anger or hunger a potential blood sucking hybrid, Harry didn't really have anything to lose.

Seeing that the entire group had the same shade of gold eyes was too suspicious for Harry to ignore. He was more than happy to ignore them once he had confirmed if they would be a bother to him or not.

It was only mildly reassuring that their eye colour pointed to a purely animal diet, if they were red Harry would be having a very different debate with himself.

He could admit he was curious why Jessica had called them the Cullen's if Hale was a Hale. Harry briefly wondered what the ageless mans full name was but quickly shoved that thought away. He wasn't here to make friends, even immortal ones.

There was also the topic of the size of the coven, Harry had seen at least 5 of them at school. Was one of them the coven leader or was their leader elsewhere? If they were elsewhere did they have a mate?

He'd have to observe their relationships closely to determine if he had already seen the leader or not.

Harry could be faced with a hybrid vampire coven of 5-7. while being the master of death, and therefore unable to die, dying was still a pain in the arse. Harry was almost certain he would win in a fight against one of them but that ignored possible abilities and there being more than one of them fighting him at once. He didn't fancy the idea of an eternity fighting and dying against the same 5-7 individuals.

That would get boring quickly.

The thought of abilities brought a whole new train of thought to mind. Hale had reacted to Harry's disappointment in class, the pixie had been surprised to see him and the Cedric look alike had been frowning at Harry like he was a complicated word puzzle. These pointed toward the three of them having possible abilities, most likely mental abilities since only Hale ever actually got close to him (and even then never touched him). It didn't stop the other members of the coven from having physical abilities however.

Harry would certainly need to tread carefully with this section of his curiosity.

The calming trill of Fawkes broke Harry out of his thoughts. The Phoenix had been with Harry over a week now and hadn't shown any interest of leaving. Harry had made a perch, complete with ash tray, for the immortal bird. Though Fawkes seemed to prefer perching on the sofa or Harry's shoulder.

Harry tilted his head back at met the stunning birds empathetic eyes from where he currently sat atop of one of the many bookshelves.

Harry read the silent message that maybe it was time to get up and agreed.

He pulled himself to his feet, receiving a huff from Buckbeak (who had apparently been comfy) in the process. He made his way to the kitchen and set about making a cup of tea.

By hand of course, Harry's magic always seemed to make food and drink taste weird so he stick to muggle means most of the time.

The miniature Hungarian Horntail, that Harry had kept after the Triwizard Tournament, had snuck it's way into the kitchen. It flew down from it's hiding place on top of his cupboards to lick spilled sugar off the counter, before curling on the hot hob Harry had used to boil his water (Given how unreliable electrics were with magic, boiling his water with the stove saved him having to buy a new kettle every two weeks). Harry watched it fondly for a moment before returning to his living room.

He sunk into his favoured seat by the fire, with a mere glance happy flames burst into life amongst the ash. Yes, Harry thought idly, he'd probably be fine against magical beings with a weakness for fire.

His gaze lingered on the pot of floo powder on the mantle, ideas of popping over to the burrow slipped to the forefront of his brain. but were quickly dismissed.

Then the idea of appearing in McGonagall's office to scare Snape's portrait replaced it. Harry wondered how his long dead professor would react to seeing him now, exactly the same as when he died.

How would Dumbledore's portrait respond?

That thought brought up so many unwelcome thoughts that Harry took a harsh gulp of tea to wash them away. He didn't know how to feel about Dumbledore and he probably never would.

Fawkes, as if sensing his growing distress, landed on the arm of his chair. Harry raised an absent hand to pet him. Buckbeak noisily shuffled closer to the fire.

Harry took a deep breath and turned his thoughts back to more simple ones of fighting possible vampire hybrids.

If nothing conclusive turned up this week then a test would be required. Harry just had to choose one to fit his purpose while also not risking his own exposure.

Harry had never been very good at legilimency and it felt too invasive, so it would be an absolute last resort. Bleeding in front of them seemed a little too obvious and Harry had no concept of their blood lust control, it had a few too many risks. Bella was clearly the weak link in the family, but Harry felt pure disgust at the idea of pretending to befriend her for information so moved on swiftly from that thought.

Indecision once again filled him and Harry wondered if he should just leave the entire thing alone. Just pretend he was a clueless muggle and ignore the group like everyone else in the school. But Harry knew he couldn't ignore the pressing questions that had plagued him since he met those golden eyes.

Harry took another sip of now cold tea, cursing handsome golden eyed men the entire time. 

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