A Nudge In The Right Direction

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AN: Hello everyone, i hope you are all doing well

firstly i wanna apologies for my absence and the shortness of this chapter but you guys deserve something at this point lol. i'm still obsessed with this story and have every intention to continue and finish writing it.
my problem is i want to write particular scenes so badly that writing the links between them can become very difficult and i lost motivation for a lil bit but i'm back and don't plan on leaving any time soon lmao.

i'm gonna try to post every other week to get me back into it at first and i hope you all continue to enjoy my story. thank you for your continued support XOXO

The trip to Swans house was as pointless as Harry had imagined.

Any scents had long faded, the wolves coming and going had scrapped any traces of tracks to follow.

Edward and Sam continued to bicker about who's fault it was as the group entered the garden to examine the space for any unlikely clues.

"If you beasts hadn't paced around the house we'd have something to go on." muttered Edward, very passive-aggressively, as he stomped across the grass with Bella's nervous form hovering anxiously by his side.

Sam rolled his eyes as he followed the couple to the middle of the garden, Jacob close by him.

"Maybe if you hadn't coated her room in your stench we'd have a scent to follow." Sam offered the annoyed Cullen a sweet sarcastic smile along with this statement. Which only earned him glares in return.

The bickering only got more insistent after that.

Harry and Jasper slowly walked to join the group, both wanting to be anywhere else. Standing a little off to the side so they weren't forced to engage in the drama.

Alice stood close to the back door of the house, eyes screwed up tight and small fists clenched. Her shoulders tense under the clear effort, Harry guessed she was trying to see something about the person who raided Bella's house. 0

"Maybe Harry could do something to help!" called Jacob, clearly tired of the arguing.

Harry raised a brow as eyes settled on him, Jasper's particularly intense from next to him.

"And what, exactly, am I supposed to do?" asked Harry, not enjoying the way the wolf boy seemed to continually volunteer Harry for things he never agreed to.

"Magic!" cried Jacob eagerly "You can use magic to track him, you're powerful. The ginger man said so." Harry silently cursed Bill for giving out information on their difference in power and sighed.

"I can't just latch onto nothing." Harry tried to explain, getting annoyed that these silly muggle hybrids really had no understanding of magic at all.

"If I knew who broke into Swan's house then yes, I could help. But not knowing who it was? Not having any item of significance to link to that person? No way. Did it not cross your little brain, that maybe, if I could help I would've offered already?" snapped Harry, too tired and worn down after last nights events to humor the situation.

Jacob blushed and tilted his head in shy agreement, shrugging in a way that clearly said 'it was worth a try'.

Alice snapped out of her concentration by the door.

"It's hopeless." she huffed, marching over to stand next to Harry. Hands on her hips and frowning at the grass in frustration.

"I can's see a thing since the pack is so tied up in this now." Harry frowned at that.

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