Blood, Epiphanies and the Comfort of Green

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It turned out Harry didn't need Mortuus to create a situation where he got hurt, he was perfectly capable of simply falling into one as he always did.

Somethings just never seemed to change.

It had been stupid really and absolutely not his fault.

He'd popped over to the alley in Port Angeles on Saturday.

(He hadn't bothered with school on Friday, instead staying home to attempt to persuade Buckbeak to stop using his clothes as chew toys and go for Mortuus instead. Said embodiment of death had refused to leave, merely sipping muggle whiskey, saying various things that made no sense and rolling their eyes or smirking at Harry.)

He was just trying to find a deserted place to apparate home in when he heard an annoyingly familiar voice.

"Please just leave me alone." the voice of Bella Swan sounded very different when utterly terrified.

Harry had the unsettling realization that he might prefer it to her usual whining one, but hurriedly banished that thought. It wouldn't do to lose his humanity entirely.

"Shut it." came a very different tone from the area bland Bella's voice had come from.

Harry flattered his back to the wall and peered around the corner to see what exactly was going on.

Bella Swan, with tear stained cheeks and shaking hands was against the wall of a particularly dirty alleyway. A man, late twenties, was in front of her. He looked wholly unimpressive and not exactly threatening but Harry soon noticed the reason for the girls crying.

He was holding a knife.

A plain hunting knife, but still a knife.

Harry could acknowledge that most (average) teenagers would be a little more than unsure when faced with an armed mugger.

He hoped it was a mugger, a sudden shot of fierce anger went through Harry at the idea of the man wanting something more than money from a barely of age girl.

Mind made up Harry squared his shoulders and entered the alley, carelessly examining his nails.

The man turned and dumbly aimed the knife at Harry.

Harry glanced at the stunned man, flickered his gaze to an equally surprised Bella and back again.

"Get lost kid." threatened the man, sounding about as confident as Professor Quirrell.

"Don't think I will, if it's all the same to you." the man straightened his shoulders, trying to appear bigger.

Harry strolled carelessly closer to the pair.

"You'll get hurt trying to play hero kid." Harry couldn't avoid rolling his eyes at those words.

He continued his calm, steady pace forward. Aware that bland Bella was trying to signal him to leave in the 'go, save yourself' way that only a girl like her could.

"I mean it kid. I'll hurt you." Harry smirked, this thug really thought he could intimidate Harry? Really thought he was a threat?

He was an arms width away now and the clear lack of effect the threats had on him were obviously making the man sweat. He would have to act on those threats now, Harry readied himself.

"You asked for it kid." Harry's smirk spread into a grin.

The knife swooped out toward him, Harry was about to catch the wrist and effectively disarm the idiot when a thought struck him.

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