Love and Legend

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The shrill tone of a phone ringing disturbed the peace of Harry's living room, once Harry had made tea Bill and Jasper had rejoined him in the house where they made small talk.

Well, Bill and Jasper made small talk while Harry kicked Bill every time he said anything that would open a can of worms or anything that was even remotely suggestive relating to the nature of Harry and Jasper's relationship.

("Harry has really developed a thing for blondes" earned the older wizard a stinging hex to the ribs)

Jasper gave the magical brothers an apologetic smile as he answered the call.

Bill tilted his head in interest at the sight of the muggle phone, he didn't stray into the muggle world as much these days so was a little behind on their technology.

"Rose." answered Jasper shortly, eyes flickering to Harry briefly. Harry didn't notice as he was too busy frowning at Buckbeak; who had just come in through the huge back door and was trying to drag a broken lawn chair into Harry's living room.

Bill, however, did notice and added it to his list of reasons of why the overly attentive bunny muncher would be perfect for his immortal baby brother.

Harry gave a huff to the heavens and stood to begin the task of persuading Buckbeak that a lawn chair was not a good addition to his already overflowing nest of junk.

"What? Why?" Jasper asked Suddenly, Harry paused on his way to the hording Hippogriff to glance at a now frowning Jasper.

He seemed to be listening intently to Rosalie so Harry continued his path. Stopping in front of a now pouting Buckbeak, who's huge yellow eyes stared back at him with a desperate longing.

"Fine. I'll be there soon." Jasper hung up with an annoyed grunt.

Harry narrowed his eyes at Buckbeak who let out a grumbling squawk that sounded much too like 'it's not fair' before stomping back to the garden, hopefully to ditch the offending lawn chair.

Harry would conjure him some extra socks or something later to make up for it.

He turned back to Jasper, who was glaring at his phone. His gaze instantly softened when it met Harry's.

"That was Rose, there's been a 'family emergency'." he said, awkwardly standing to his feet and shuffling closer to Harry.

"Is everything okay?" asked Harry, trying to swallow any disappointment that Jasper was leaving. Jasper smiled his usual sweet smile.

"I think so. Rose refused to say what had happened, but she would've said if someone was hurt." Harry nodded, satisfied with that assurance at least.

"I'll show you out." offered Harry, relieved when Jasper's smile grew.

Jasper offered Bill a polite smile and the pair made their way to Harry's front door.

Harry opened the door for the hybrid, smiling and ready to offer a kind goodbye.

Electric green and liquid gold met, Harry's goodbye died on his tongue.

Jasper raised a hesitant hand, it paused and twitched before finally being placed on Harry's shoulder. His chilled thumb just brushing Harry's exposed skin.

They stayed like that for what could've been a decade, just staring into each others eyes.

Jasper swallowed, hearing it made Harry realize how close they were.

"I just wanted to say thank you, for... well everything I guess." the loaded sentence was finished with a self-depreciating laugh. Harry realized he was being thanked for accepting Jasper.

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