Contrasting colours

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Jasper Slammed the car door behind him and stormed up to the house, ignoring the tense emotions that followed him from the car.

He was furious, he'd spoken to Harrison. he'd learnt that he was English, from Surrey, that he hadn't lived in forks long and how he hadn't travelled before. It was the first stepping stone to having his soulmate by his side for the rest of forever.

And Edward had just ruined it.

While ruined it might be a little dramatic, he had (as he desperately tried to explain to a seething Jasper in the car home) tried to forcefully read Harrison's mind. Whatever he had tried had physically hurt and made Harrison uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that he left, preventing Jasper from making anymore contact with those glorious eyes.

"I didn't mean to hurt him Jasper!" cried his idiot brother just as Jasper was halfway up the stairs. Jasper whirled around to glare at him.

"I don't care if you meant to or not! You did. Not to mention you stared at him the entire time! What if he notices we're all trying to keep tabs on him? He's not going to want to talk to me then is he?!" anger and frustration were boiling together so hotly inside Jasper.

"He felt it!" cried Edward just as the empath was preparing to storm upstairs and make fresh plans to get Harrison to like him. "And he knew it was me! The moment I tried to enter his mind he met my eyes. He knew someone was trying to read his mind and he knew it was me."

Jasper blinked, trying to force away the horrifically irrational jealousy that burst forward at hearing someone else had looked into those green eyes.

"You believe he was fully aware of you trying to read your mind?" Asked Carlise, who had apparently been stood in the doorway listening to them shout at each other.

"I know he was. He knew it was me." Edward repeated, Carlise nodded thoughtfully his eyes flicking to Jasper.

The rest of their family lingered awkwardly out of sight, waiting for an outcome.

"Continue as we are. Harrison is still a human and he's still Jasper's mate. Tread carefully, but leave him be." advised Carlise, smiling when his children agreed.

"And no more trying to force yourself into my mates mind." Jasper ordered firmly, glaring at an apologetic Edward.

"It was foolish of me. I'm sorry." Jasper hesitated before nodding to accept his apology.

He still went upstairs to plan for the fall out of his brothers error however.

* * *

Harry didn't bother going to school the next day or the day after, he couldn't allow his emotions get the better of him. He was angry at the stupid mind reader and the memories they had yanked to the surface.

It had been like he was 15 with Snape was glaring down at him, telling him just how stupid and useless he was all over again. Like finding out how people he had idolized acted at school. How the reason Snape hated him was because of who his father was, but how he was tortured into caring for Harry because of who his mother was. Harry didn't think whatever way Snape felt about him was love. Love could hurt, Merlin it could burn. It could rip you to shreds and it could lead very easily turn to hate. But the love Snape felt for Lilly and his hatred for James mixed together did not equal love in Harry's mind.

Dumbledore would call it love.

But then again he called imprisoning Grindelwald for life only to be murdered by Tom Riddle love.

Harry didn't want to know how much it took for Dumbledore to hate. He hadn't even hated Riddle, despite everything that happened. Harry had never thought Dumbledore to be an all knowing deity, above all others in knowledge and ability. But now that he looked back he couldn't help but wonder how much control he had had, how much had he known?

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