Bites, ignorance and death

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Muggle sports, Harry decided, was more bearable than his other classes.

It was still fairly dull though and he didn't understand the rules of baseball, clearly quidditch had ruined him for all other sports. Or maybe he was just too busy thinking to actually enjoy himself

Chemistry went fast too, he didn't bother talking to Jasper in class and Jasper seemed to know he wasn't in the mood to talk so thankfully didn't try to converse with him.

He wasn't going to bother observing the Cullen's today, all he wanted was to curl in his bed and forget he existed.

Harry was halfway to his bike when a voice interrupted him.

"Harrison?" called a female voice behind him, Harry held in a groan and turned to see Bland Bella finishing what could barely be called a jog up to him.

Harry looked behind her to see the Cullen's all watching them, not even pretending not to. Edward looked oddly hopeful while Jasper and the pixie looked concerned. The blonde was watching Bella with the same unimpressed look Harry probably had on his face and the huge one looked amused.

Harry looked back to Bella.

"What?" he snapped, annoyed that he could be halfway home by now. She looked surprised by his hostility, which made no sense. He certainly wasn't known for his happy disposition.

"I-I'm Bella. Bella Swan." She fumbled, clearly having lost whatever confidence she had had to approach him in the first place. Harry stared blankly back at her.

"I'm Edwards girlfriend." Harry raised an eyebrow at this. Surely the girl couldn't be so vain as to try and introduce herself via her apparently desirable, unreachable boyfriend?

"I sit next to you in Math." she continued as if thinking Harry hadn't recognized her still.

Harry lost his patience.

"Did you actually want something or not?" he asked in a tired tone, already over this conversation. And it had barely started.

"R-right. Um, yeah, Did you want to come over and meet the rest of the Cullen's? I know you've met Jasper and briefly Edward, but I thought-" Harry didn't care much about what 18 year old Bella thought so interrupted her.

"No. Was that all?" he stated, still staring at her blankly. She blinked at him.

Harry rolled his eyes and turned away.

"Wait, I'm sorry I-" her hand reached out to grab his arm but Harry beat her too it.

He snatched her hand out of the air and held it tightly by the wrist, smirking coldly at her shocked face. Harry could feel his magic bubbling and swelling in him in his anger. The audacity of this child to try and grab him when his back was turned.

"Don't touch me." he whispered venomously, a trickle of his magic seeped out and made the air hum with power. Fear crept into her eyes and she nodded frantically.

Harry slowly released her wrist, his fingers brushing over her skin as he did so. Feeling 32 perfectly formed little bumps laid in two crescent shapes on her wrist. A clean cut bite mark.

Well, well, who took a bite out of you? Not that he could blame them, Harry probably would've bitten her by now if he thought it would do any good.

Harry's eyes flickered over to the Cullen's. Edward, the pixie and the huge one looked shocked, while the blonde had a begrudgingly impressed look on her face. Jasper looked a little dazed with hints of concern seeping in, concern for Harry or Bella he didn't know.

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