The Weight of Eternity

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Harry didn't know where he was.

It was dark and cramped.

The only light seemed to be the outline of a tiny door, cracks of light peeking through. But the door had been firmly locked, thick bolts obvious on the other side from the shadows they cast and the screws stabbing through the wood. The door was supposed to keep the light out.

A whimpering sniff from next to him made him turn.

A boy.

a tiny boy aged around 3 or 4 was curled in the tiny space next to him.

The child was curled up so tightly it was a wonder the poor thing could even breath with how tightly he hugged himself.

Tiny hands hurried to wipe away tears that wouldn't stop falling.

Harry watched with a sinking feeling of dread as the boy opened frustrated and agonized green eyes.

A bruise stained the child's delicate face.

Blood leaked sluggishly from deep cuts on his knees.

An odd scar glinting on his forehead.

Harry was looking at himself.

The boy sunk his teeth into his lip, harsh enough to draw blood, as he suppressed a wail.

Harry could feel all those feelings rushing back to him.

The pain, the anger, the devastating sadness that was only overwhelmed by the pure unfairness of it all.

The child, Harry, clamped a tiny hand over his mouth as another shuddering sob broke through the surface.

Harry's heart broke and he leapt from his hunched position to comfort the sweet boy who didn't deserve the pain he was in.

His hands reached out to pull the boy into his lap, to whisper soothing words and tell him about the people who would one day love him.

His fingers met resistance inches away from the boys pale skin.

Harry frantically, desperately clawed at the invisible wall that stopped him from helping the boy.

Unable to do anything but watch as the door opened and thick meaty fingers grasped a tight hold of the boys arm.

Unable to comfort as the boy cried out in terror and pain.

Unable to protect as he was yanked out of the cupboard under the stairs and out of Harry's view.

A force began pulling Harry away, yanking harshly downward as he still reached trying to save the boy from his fate at the hands of adults who didn't deserve him.

The final thing Harry heard made him freeze.

His own breathe shuddering and stuttering through his chest.

"Freak!" bellowed a furious and unyielding voice.

The following sounds of muffled cries echoed in Harry's ears as blackness danced around him, blocking anything from view.

He searched, hungry for light. Even a crack under a doors worth.

Suddenly light blinded him as he wobbled on her spot, feet finally on solid ground.

Harry's hands shook as he examined his new surrounding, the fear of what he had been reminded off still wrapped tightly around his heart.

He was in the Great Hall at Hogwarts.

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