Jealousy, protective cats and not so nice tea

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Jasper watched the figure leaning against Harrison's bike with a deeply troubled gaze.

Many questions were running through his head at this current moment, the most pressing being who the hell was this woman? And what the fuck was she doing on his Harrison's bike?

Jasper had had a mostly pleasant day. While he had been more than frustrated to find out that Bella hadn't apologized but still kept trying to talk to Harrison all week; it didn't seem to be effecting the budding relationship that was still growing between them.

Harrison's emotions seemed to become more and more comfortable around Jasper as time went on.

He'd been waiting with his siblings as usual, ignoring Emmett's teasing as he craned his neck to peek at the doors Harrison always came out of.

His bike hadn't been in it's usual parking space, but Harrison's road wasn't too far, so it was wholly possible he had just decided to walk for a change.

So it was more than surprising when Harrison's bike came rumbling into the parking lot, with a blatantly attractive woman dressed in provocative clothing riding it.

Jasper examined her with confusion as she dismounted his mates bike.

She was tall, with dark hair and eyes that seemed to look into the students passing her rather than at them. A feeling of uncertain dread filled Jasper as he watched her, there was something cold and dark about her that seemed to pulse just under the surface of her deathly pale skin.

She felt both entirely naturally and completely out of place all at once, like someone arriving to a party two hours early.

The idea of Harrison knowing this woman who displayed so much cleavage was already making his stomach twist unpleasantly. Add that she was clearly something powerful, something to fear, made Jasper want to take his mate and leave.

The woman smirked as if somehow knowing what he was planning, making the thoughts rush even faster.

Just as the escape plans began to solidify in his head, Harrison exited through the doors of the school.

He paused for a moment, a look of surprise on his face as he examined the woman casually leaning against his bike. Then he scowled. The twisting in Jasper's stomach lessened slightly, Harrison hadn't been expecting her and was not happy to see her.

The woman met both the look of surprise and the scowl with a wide smirk, clearly smug at catching him off guard.

Harrison gave a harsh huff of annoyance and stalked over to the woman while Jasper watched with baited breath.

"When you said you'd be popping in for a visit this isn't what I had in mind." the tone was not kind and Jasper had never been happier about his sensitive hearing. The woman gave a laugh.

An overly sweet smile replacing the smirk, she strode forward with confidence. Her hand reached out and she stroked a manicured nail over his mates delicate cheek bone.

Fury lit in Jasper. How dare she lay a hand on his mate. He took half a step forward but was stopped by Emmett's heavy hand on his shoulder.

"Let it be bro." Jasper didn't think he'd ever heard Emmett sound so unsure. Clearly he wasn't the only one who could feel there was something wrong about the woman touching his mate.

The anger that still roared in Jasper died down a little as Harrison swatted the hand away, his scowl turning into more of a glare. He didn't want this woman touching him anymore than Jasper wanted her too, self-assurance was growing quickly in him as he read and re-read Harrison's feelings.

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