The Life and Lies of Bella Swan

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*brushes off dust*


Oh hey.....guys. long time no see.

literally have no idea when i last even posted so all i can say is Sorry lmao. hope you're all doing well and thanks for putting up with my bs.

so we only have 4 chapters left after this... insane. warning in advance the next chapters are also going to take a long time because there is a lot about to go down.

on that note i hope you enjoy this and thank you again for staying with me on this.


After Jacob had lost his temper they had decided to cut today's meeting short in view of the lack of almost half of their army. Jasper had cupped Harry's cheek again before he left, making sure he was okay and asking permission to see him tomorrow.

Harry had (of course) agreed, telling Jasper was welcome any time.

He had made a point of ensuring it was obvious that only Jasper was welcome at his house. He didn't fancy the any of the Cullen clan popping round for a cuppa at odd times of the day.

Harry was currently laying flat out on his bed, starring listlessly at the canopy once again. It was a common position to find him in these days.

'he could have killed you'

The words spun around endlessly in Harry's head.

They had been plaguing him for hours.

Jasper didn't know such a vital part of who Harry was. What he had become.

If Harry hadn't noticed Jacob was phasing, nothing would have happened.

Well, nothing wasn't exactly true.

The changing wolf in his anger and lack of control would lash out. Would slash great claws across Harry and Bella's skin like a spoon through softened butter.

Bella would fall to the floor, screaming and probably bleeding to death. The Cullen's could be overcome with bloodlust and kill her. They could be forced to change her to save her life. They could save her but leave her terrified of her once close friend and possibly even the Cullen's themselves. It might set her straight on the path to be the human she was meant to be before she crossed paths with myths and monsters.

In Harry's case it would be different. Regardless of how deep, how serious, the cuts would be; Harry would just keep bleeding. There would be no screaming for Harry was all too familiar with pain. There would be no panicked breath or thumping heart beat as Harry fought to keep air in his lungs. Harry would stand, bleeding at a level that should knock him to the floor if not knock him out and calmly use his magic to stitch the ripped fabric of his skin back together.

The Cullen's, Jasper, would panic and rush to help. From what Harry had read about hybrid Vampires they wouldn't be attracted to his blood, but they would try to save his life. Maybe Carlisle would try to stop his bleeding or maybe Jasper would sink his teeth into Harry's neck, not prepared to risk losing his mate.

What would happen if a hybrid vampire bit him?

He'd been bitten by a normal vampire before, but never in an attempt to turn him. For a vampire to turn a human, or wizard, they would have to drink from their victim then bite themselves and get the human to drink their blood.

Hybrid vampires didn't have blood, their bodies were solid blocks of marble, their teeth constantly coated in venom.

A bit like a snake, Harry briefly wondered if they would understand Parcelmouth.

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