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what's occurring? how you doing!?

long time no see my loves, i've missed you. it's time. i hope you're ready, i had great great pleasure writing this and i am genuinely very pleased with how it turned out. if you don't like it simply don't tell me lmao it's my baby

we are nearly at the end.

memento mori and all that jazz crazy huh?

i'll save my emotions for the next AND LAST chapter but for now i seriously hope you enjoy this and merry whatever you do or don't celebrate


They gathered at dawn.

Bill and Harry arriving at the clearing at the agreed time, the Cullen's and wolves arriving only moments later.

There had been a tense moment when Jacob Black caught sight of the new ring that laid upon Swan's left hand, but the boy had thankfully decided not to comment.

Probably thinking a little more clearly after the sense Harry had scolded into his teenage brain, or Harry hoped so anyway.

Besides, if Bella Swan was about to die, she might as well die feeling hopeful of a future she was never going to have.

People did drastic things in times of war.

His heart throbbed for Remus and Tonks, all their hope for a future gone.

Even Bill and Fleur, their wedding crashed by death eaters. A treasured memory tarnished for the rest of their lives.

Bill offered Swan a gentle smile as he guided her up the mountain where one of the old Weasley tents had been set. The wards around it so thick that the hair on the back of Harry's neck stood up, even though he was almost half a mile away from it.

Jared, Jacob and Edward took their places at the foot of the slope. Spaced apart to prevent a breach, tense as they waited.

The others, along with Harry gathered in the centre of the clearing.

Harry, Jasper and Sam's hulking wolf form taking the lead. Rosalie, Emmett and Alice behind with Carlisle and Esme taking up the back.

The rest of the wolves took the rear and sides of their group, steam raising off their backs.

The air was so still.

Harry felt so alive, so electric in this moment.

He hated it.

Hated how obviously he thrived from this.

Thrived off chaos.

The night before he'd bitten the bullet and sent Molly Weasley an apologetic letter. Not explaining the situation but excusing himself for the foreseeable future as he was 'a bit busy'.

He'd even sent one to Kreacher, giving him guidance on the running of the house, instructions to come and look after Buckbeak, Fawkes and Caedes according to Harry's wishes. Wishes the elf already knew but Harry knew it would please the elf to be given 'orders'.

He knew he wasn't going to die.

But he didn't know if Jasper would.

Death had told him he would, but now when.

It was terrifying, how fragile an 'immortal' being could be.

Harry almost felt like he had to babysit him to ensure his safety, if that wasn't a huge insult to Jasper's own capabilities and sense of reason.

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