A Different Point of View and a Surprise

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Jasper twitched in his seat in the living room, it was nearly 10 and he would be leaving to see Harry soon.

They had an important conversation to have.

The next big step for them, the final big secret that they had been tiptoeing around.

Well, 'the final secret' if you ignored his history as a blood thirsty tyrant who ran the whole of Mexico and most of southern America under the thumb of a psychotic bitch who he had thought he was in love with.

He grimaced at the idea of revealing himself, his true self, to Harry.

Harry was just a boy, a wizard apparently, but still just a boy.

He had power, Jasper had seen that, but that didn't mean much to Jasper. He wondered if other wizards saw Harry's abilities, would they be impressed? Or just coo at the boys attempts?

Harry still seemed so delicate, so fragile, to Jasper. Regardless of his standing when it came to wizard talent, he was just a boy and he was Jasper's.

Jasper just hoped he would accept him.

He glanced at the clock, it was time.

He ran through the forest, too anxious to drive and then slowed to a human stroll before rejoining the footpath out of the forest and into town.

Jasper took a deep breathe in, sighing in content when he smelt Harry's lingering scent leading to a slightly warn looking house.

It was a decent size, two levels probably at least 3 bedrooms if Jasper's experienced eye could tell. It was unpainted, with natural warm toned wood panelling and forest green window frames. the door matched the windows and seemed bigger than necessary.

Jasper couldn't help but look in through the windows, he expected to see a living room or kitchen but instead he was met with a haziness that made him dizzy. He was seeing the windows but his brain couldn't comprehend what it was seeing inside.

He was about to frown and move closer when the haziness shimmered and vanished, the house warmed slightly looking more loved and lived in than before.

Harry seemed to materialize onto the front porch and Jasper wondered if he'd been there the whole time but Jasper would've noticed his mate stood 3 feet away from him.

He examined Harry carefully, mouth drying a little at the sight of his exposed collarbones. Curious to see another home knitted jumper.

Who kept knitting Harry these clothes? It was a question he was too embarrassed to ask.

Harry carelessly flickered his dead cigarette to the floor (Jasper really should try and talk him into quitting, wizard or not it would kill him one day) and seemed to examine Jasper in return.

Jasper took a breathe.

"Thank you for inviting me over." he said softly, Harry shrugged.

"It's more private." Jasper couldn't help but agree.

Harry glanced back at the house, a considering expression on his face before he seemed to dismiss what he was worrying about and turn his attention back to Jasper

"I know you're not a real blood sucker, but I'll give you permission to enter all the same." Jasper's lips quirked in a soft amused smile. Harry never failed to make him smile.

"I appreciate the gesture." the hint of a smirk crossed the boys mouth, making him look even more mischievous than usual.

Harry seemed to take a breathe before gesturing Jasper to the door, he let Jasper enter first closing the door behind them.

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