Ready or Not

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AN: evening....I'm sorry for the wait lmao

we made it to chapter 30!!!!! woooooo! who would have thought it! (definitely not me lmao)

As a little celebration of reaching chapter 30 i thought i would attach the notes i made before i even started writing this story as a little giggle lmao, enjoy:

New moon after Edward comes back, before Eclipse starts/Eclipse.

Edward/Bella - Edward is nice (kinda not really) but misguided, Bella is an annoying petulant child. Haven't decided if she'll get better or not. lol

Alice - is Happy on her own, basking in her Covens Happiness (Asexual vibe)

Carlise/Esme - Obviously. Gonna have a dig at Carlisle's flaws cos daddy got logic issues (Peter Facinelli none of this is about you xoxo)

Emmett/Rose - Obviously. Periodt.

Jacob - being needy and having a personal crisis over how attractive he finds Harry

Jasper/Harry - Jasper adores Harry at first sight and constantly monitors his emotions. Harry has never bothered to understand romantic relationships so is mostly just confused by this attractive Vampires attentions.

Mortuus - they/them being of death blended with pure crack energy. Lives to make Harry suffer.

Bill is 67 since he's 10 years older than Harry in the books, looks around 30 (dilf energy)

Alice and Jasper are siblings only. Fawkes and Buckbeak are adorable lil babies/gremlins.

Wolves: Jacob, Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, Quil, Seth and Leah 8 of the bastards

that being said i really hope you enjoy this chapter, i know they're not very long but i'm determined to see this through to the end

i love each and every one of you and your comments give my life meaning. thank you so much for the continued support despite my neglect of you all xoxo


It took 15 minutes for Emmett to regain consciousness.

A wholly unimpressive feat in Harry's opinion given his past actions, but apparently a big deal to a race of hybrids who were somehow unable to do anything except live or die.

The huge man jumped up with a confused grin.

"That felt weird." giggled the immortal 6 year old, while his wife shook her head just out of sight.

"Nice to know they have a use." sneered Paul. "But kids should not be joining this fight, it's bad enough that Jacob and Seth have to join."

Harry turned an unimpressed look in the wolves direction, hoping the message to shut the fuck up was clear.

"As much as I agree with you the more help we receive the more likely it is that we survive this." said Carlisle Cullen, mournful and heroic in his opinion.

"it's not fair to place that expectation on strangers Cullen." Sam spoke this time, firm against the injustice of child fighters.

An offended look flashed across Jasper's face before it vanished from view.

"I understand your thoughts and feelings-" Harry zoned out of the rest of Carlisle's speech about allies and moral issues.

It was all drab grey debate vs the vibrant violence of Harry's reality.

It continued for some time, the wolves arguing back and forth with Carlisle about how this was no place for position for teenagers, how they were children who should be protected not do the protecting.

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