The Way it's done

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long time no read am i right? lol

i'm back! woo! sorry about that but welcome to chapter 29! we've come so far in not as long a time as it feels and all i can say is thank you! this story has received so much more praise and attention that i had ever imagined and just thank you i doubt i deserve it lmao

please enjoy, things will be getting a little more intense in following chapters so be ready for extra angst


Harry had found himself once again glaring down at the (cracked, thanks to Buckbeak) screen of his phone.

Though for a very different reason than last time he was in this position.

"Meeting Tomorrow, 5am (Sorry), everyone will be there." ~ Jasper

It was currently Friday evening, which meant that Harry was about to be forced out of his home by 6 in the morning.

Not that Harry was usually actually asleep at that time, especially not recently.

Ever since his rainy rooftop 'conversation' with Death, the night terrors had been coming thick and fast.

Sometimes it was about his childhood, some about Hogwarts and the heart-aching glimpses of happiness before it vanished, others were about his years as an Auror; his descent into his own private wars and petty revenge.

The fall into darkness.

Some had even been about Death ominous confession that one day Jasper would too be torn away from him.

The pain of those ones felt fresher.

The other dreams were deep, painful tugs on his insides. Ripping screams of agonized rage from him as he longed so desperately for what he had once held.

The dreams involving Jasper were a new sting, a burn to the fingertips from something he couldn't seem to grip tight enough.

Harry once again found himself grateful of silencing wards, pleased to leave Bill, while not quite ignorant of his current meltdown, at least a little less informed of his current mental state.

Strangely enough it was Mortuus who often comforted Harry, throat sore from crying and drenched in sweat, after another dream. The being always being in the first place Harry went after waking, whether it be the living room, the roof or even the nearest liquor store.

A feeling of unity (that one should definitely not experience with the embodiment of death) growing between them.

Because, whether Harry liked it or not, they were one and the same.

Tied together by another twisted game of fate.

Harry was theirs, just like they were Harry's.

Harry was starting to begrudgingly accept that, despite how much he didn't want to with the way Mortuus rubbed it in.

"You look annoyed." commented Bill, not looking up from the book he was reading by the fire.

Harry snapped out of his thoughts and realized he was still glaring at his phone.

"The Bunny-munchers and puppies want a meeting at 5 am, tomorrow." That did make Bill look up, a sour expression clouding his previously calm appearance.

"Seriously? I know they don't sleep but that seems unfair." the older man grumbled, closing his book on ward breaking and joining Harry in glaring at the phone who had informed them of the offending meeting.

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