Fates toys

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Harry glared at the wall.

It had been four hours since he had been dropped off by a concerned Charlie Swan. Four hour since he had left the Cullen's household.

Four hours since he had seen Jasper, a vampire who was maybe-possibly-definitely not Harry's mate. Or Rather Harry was maybe-possibly-definitely not Jasper's. Harry didn't really know what status his soul had so was unsure if it could even have an other half, let alone if whatever he was could have someone considered a mate.

Harry didn't feel what had been described to him as the mate pull, sure Jasper was easily more tolerable than everyone else, but that didn't mean they were destined to be together.

However it was undeniable that Jasper felt something toward Harry, the way he acted today proved any lingering suspicion that Harry had.

It complicated things.

Harry had struggled with romantic relationships. Being a touch starved neglected (some would say abused) child didn't really make it easy. He had thought he and Ginny were soulmates, maybe they had been. But they hadn't really been given the chance to find out.

Their feelings only just beginning to bloom and become something when she was ripped away from him.

Loss had pushed Harry into the arms of strangers during rougher times of his life. Times where he depended mostly on substance abuse to make it through even an hour without making another attempt on his life.

A series of one night stands and a sexuality crisis didn't really improve his romantic outlook as much as modern day muggle media made it seem.

Harry gleefully lit a cigarette and took a deep inhale, he had ignored the needy voice in his head begging for nicotine in order to stay alert around the vampires home. Though in hindsight that felt a little unnecessary.

Harry had become firm in the idea that he would win in a fight with the Coven, they seemed pretty useless if he was honest, though he still didn't really want one. Perhaps it was time to write up peace treaties and come clean of his knowledge to the Cullen's.

Harry didn't really like the sound of that idea, doing things by the book was never really his way and if Jasper was his mate then a peace treaty would not leave Harry in anymore peace than he already had.

Though the time for secrets did appear to be starting to slow to a firm end. Maybe that was a good thing, the passed had taught Harry that secrets were never a good thing.

"So glad you're following fates path properly this time." Harry rolled his voice at the sugary tone of Mortuus from the doorway.

Harry turned to glare at death.

They had a male skin suit on today, a young dark haired man dressed like they'd walked right out of love island, clearly death was watching too much reality television. Harry rolled his eyes and resumed his staring at the wall, nicotine filling his senses as he took another cancerous inhale.

"Come on in, make yourself at home." he quipped, bitterly sarcastic. Harry could practically feel death smile.

"Don't mind if I do." Mortuus seated themselves in their preferred arm chair. Harry tried to ignore that death had a preferred armchair in his house.

"I see you took my advice." Harry didn't reply.

"Finally, a scar you won't hide from your beloved." Harry's head whipped around and met Deaths mirth filled eyes.

"Oh don't look at me like that darling, you've already figured out that he's yours." Harry turned back to the wall, suddenly needing a drink.

"I wasn't sure." he retorted stubbornly.

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