Draco Being Sassy

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" So we'll be watching an edited video of Draco Being sassy," Loki Laughs.

The Theater nods.

Draco is seen to be laughing at Harry as Harry stares Down at Draco.

Cuts to scene Where Draco Tells Harry " No I'll Think I'll get someone for Longbottom to find" as he rides the broom where the caption says bye y'all.

Theatre laughs at The caption as Draco just watches Curiously.

Cut to scene where Draco facepalms. Cuts To scene where Draco is smirking as McGonagall explains that they'll receive detention as caption says what wtf.

" She really did an Uno reverse" Ron Laughs as everybody else laughs except for Draco of course.

Draco says " Excuse me Professor, Perhaps I Heard you wrong. I thought you said the four of us"

McGonagall says " No you heard me correctly Mr. Malfoy. You see honorable if your intentions are" Harry is smirking " well you two were out of bed out after hours, you will join your classmates in detention".

" The Forest" Draco Exclaims " I Thought you were joking."

Dumbledore says " Nope They were not" Looking at Draco at the side.

" Wait till my father hears about this , this is a servants stuff" Draco says.

" If i didn't know Better Draco I'd say you were scared" Harry accuses him.

" Scared Pottah" Draco says as The caption says "POTTAH".

* Cut to Draco Pulling of his hat*

Theater laughed at The gesture and the comment.

Caption says Voice change omg as Draco says " you've got yourself a girlfriend"

" His voice didn't really sound as bratty as it was" Hermione noted as Draco rolled his eyes.

"Excellent ten points to Gryffindor" Professor Exclaims " Now as our mandrakes are still only seedlings "

Cuts To Draco's Finger getting stuck in Mandrake's mouth.

*Ron snorts as The theater laughs and Draco continues to roll his eyes*

* quick zoom in Draco's face*

"Training for the ballet Pottah"

"Scared Pottah"

" He must Love saying " Pottah" Ginny Mimicked making the people around her giggle.

" really, I didn't know you could read"

* Zoom in on Draco's eyebrow raise that he's impressed*

*This made the whole theater burst out laughing*

" It's so wrong that he seems impressed" Hermione Laughed.

" Such Low Standards" Harry laughed.

Draco chuckled a little because of the outburst.

" Good one Goyle , your absolutely right, Sink POTTAH"

" This seems like a very serious addiction with the name Potter" Dumbledore laughed at Draco who only continued to look front.

"Potter, is it true you fainted? Like you actually fainted"

" I don't know how to do that " Draco complains

" Just stroke the spine of course," Hagrid answers.

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