Ron and Lavender Kiss + Vanishing Cabinet

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Loki walked in after the 10 minute Intermission and noticed that Draco was back to himself and everything was fine.

" It seems that everybody is fine now and we will react to 2 scenes. They are very important scenes that are pretty short that's why I will not be putting them in The Shorts & Toks segment" Loki explains.

" I Think it is somebody else's turn to cry" Loki whispers that somehow Draco and Hermione heard.

* Lavender Drags Ron*

* Hermione was already aware was about to happen and embraced for impact*

* Lavender Kisses Ron*

"She's eating his Face" Ginny says.

* Ron and Hermione frown at the same time*

" I rate that Kiss a 3 out of 10 because I see no action" Draco shrugs.

" Nobody asked for your rating" Hermione tells Draco who smirks at her reaction.

* Harry smiles as Hermione face drops*

" Why is Hermione sad?" Neville asks.

" I'm not sad... I'm just..." Draco cuts off Hermione.

" Sad" Draco finishes.

" No Dimwit I was going to say I am ... confused" Hermione smiles at her cover up answer.

* Lavender and Ron continue to kiss*

* Clip ends*

" Seriously Though If I was there, I would have been happy for you. You're getting all the Ladies attention" Hermione claps genuinely as Ron smiles a bit.

" Ok Now let's cut the small talk and get to the next scene" Loki gets the attention from the Theatre.

" Now This scene takes place before Draco and Harry fight in the bathroom. SO This might add up to the reason why he had a mental Breakdown" Loki explains as Draco tenses scared of what might be seen. 

* Draco removes a Blanket from a Cabinet*

" The Vanishing cabinet from that Deleted Scene" Hermione notices.

Loki nods.

* Draco places an apple in the cabinet*

" An apple," Luna says.

" A Green apple" Ginny comments.

" Is there something between this Green apple and you since it's always the green apples" Hermione asks Draco.

" Since nobody knows anything about me-" Draco is cut off by Harry.

" Actually I know that you're a Dickhead" Harry smiles at him.

* Theater laughs*

" Mr. Potter watch your language" Snape says sternly as Harry turns around.

" I was going to say before I was rudely interrupted that my favorite apple is a green apple" Draco huffs his chest.

" Cool" Neville responds, turning around.

* Draco Closes the vanishing cabinet*

" Harmonia Nectere Passus" Draco whispers, closing his eyes.

" Uh that was unnecessarily Hot" Ginny comments.

*Draco smirks*.

" Ginny" Hermione glares at Ginny.

" What Honestly You should ask my Brothers anybody who whispers spells I just get attracted to the voice especially Harry" Ginny laughs.

*Harry Blushes*.

" Well The Harmonia also sounded like your name and that whisper of your name was just-" Ginny is cut off by Hermione getting up and covering her mouth.

" Thank you She-Weasel for the compliments" Draco smirks as The Professors feel uncomfortable.

" Just know I still hate you but I can still compliment you"" Ginny rolls her eyes as Draco just smirked.

* Draco opened the Cabinet and The apple was gone he smirks*

" What happened?" Neville asks.

" Harmonia Nectere Passus is a spell to perfect the Vanishing cabinet" Hermione gulps, scared of what's about to happen.

* Draco smile drops a bit knowing had been studying that spell*

" Harmonia Nectere Passus" Draco repeats.

" Now that actually did sound like my name," Hermione says.

" Maybe because it is mostly the same letters while switching the e's to a's" Draco says.

" Wow that's true" Hermione tilts her head.

* Draco brings out a Bitten apple*

* Clip ends*

" Who is on the other side?" Hermione asks.

" The real question is what is he doing and who is he alerting" Harry says anxiously.

" That's That's what I said" Hermione whispers.

* Draco starts to be scared of what his future-self is doing*

" Anyway we have a Segment time that doesn't involve Video's" Loki says as they could guess what Segment they were entering. 

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