Long overdue Request: drac0malf0ystep0neme
Loki walks back in and the Theatre seemed to be in high spirits and smiling trying to get better.
" You guys seem a bit overjoyed... not like there's anything wrong" Loki quickly added.
" Took us that 10 minutes to explain to Harry we could somehow avoid all of this"
Hermione smiled.
" Finally did... doesn't mean I still don't hate somebody" Harry says, obviously throwing shade at Snape.
" We can stop Throwing shade at people" Loki glared at Harry.
" Shade?" Luna asks.
" Yes of course it's an internet slang term for Hate" Loki explains.
" Another Slang term" Ron says.
" There is too much" Harry says.
" I wish Hogwarts could just give us a class based on Internet slang terms I would have aced the class" Draco complains.
" It's Called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for a reason" Hermione rolls her eyes.
" Any who this segment will be all about Draco" Loki smiles.
* Theater gives confused faces*
" Me" Draco kind of smirked but scared if it was bad.
" Yes Now Tom Felton your actor, Created a Hashtag called Dracotok on Tik tok which is basically a bunch of Clips and edits of Draco that could be all sorta" Loki smiles awkwardly knowing the true deeps of Dracotok.
" Hashtag?" Harry asks.
" It's Really just the pound sign with any other words for indications of videos" Loki explains " They really need a Muggle Slang term class or at least elective in Hogwarts".
" Told you" Draco clapped.
" Let's just do pretty simple dots before it gets spicy," Loki says.
" SPICY" The whole theater yelled.
" I don't like the sound of spicy" Snape added emphasis on Spicy as Dumbledore just looks around disagreeing.
* Shows Tom just drinking water like Dinero*
" What is This supposed to make me feel?" Ginny ask.
" You're supposed to feel death" Loki explains.
* Slows down when Tom goes in between the chairs*
* Clip ends*
" Damn" yells Ron.
" Um.. what" Harry says.
" Why are the Boys only having reactions" Draco says annoyed.
" Because we aren't fangirls" Ginny says high fiving Hermione.
*Front Page says Draco simps have only 3 moods*
" May you please indulge me on what Simp means" Dumbledore asks, emphasizing on Simp.
" It is an internet slang for a person who excessively sexually loves somebody and usually wants attention from it if I put it in that way," Loki explains.
" Oh My" McGonagall responds.
* Being obsessed with Draco*
" I know you girls are obsessed with me," Draco says pridefully.

FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...