I haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...
Loki walked back into the Theatre and surprisingly they were all calm and nobody was at each other's Throats Maybe because Bellatrix was still stuck in her seat.
" You" Bellatrix points.
" Me?" Loki points.
" Yes, You" Bellatrix glares at her " You Have stuck me in this seat for too long".
" I did" Loki says " I apologize*
" Kneel, you filthy thing and release me from your curse" Bellatrix says.
" Right, That's a no sorry Bella" Loki sighs.
" You" Bellatrix points her wand.
" Your Wand is Useless" Harry reminds her.
" Ok Let's not get into another Fist Fight" Loki says.
" It wasn't a Fist Fight" Ron points his finger up.
" I Know that" Loki says.
" Then Why did you call it that" Hermione asks
" Because I did," Loki shrugs.
" That's an acceptable excuse," Ginny nods.
" Unacceptable Excuse" Lucius says.
" Ok Let's Just get into what we are doing" Loki sighs.
" Of Course, The Gryffindor's don't have enough self-respect to be able to respect the Slytherins" Draco scoffs.
" I guess Thank you Draco" Loki shrugs as Draco smiles " Any way we will be reacting to who plays Narcissa Malfoy".
" Cissy's Actress" Bellatrix says.
" Yes," Loki nods.
" This will be quite interesting," Narcissa says.
" Before we actually get into the Actress it is with a heavy heart That Helen McCrory which is Narcissa's Actress passed away in 2021 of Breast Cancer"
" Oh No" Harry shakes his head.
" Cancer really sucks. Cancer also killed Snape's Actor, Alan Rickman" Hermione shakes his head.
" Cancer is pretty scary in the Muggle world," Luna says.
" What a Loss" Narcissa says.
" Surely A Huge Loss" Loki says.
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" They Look quite the same," Dumbledore says.
" I mean of course Albus" McGonagall shakes her head.
" They are acting as one another so they will look the same" Snape says.
" Cissy" Bellatrix shouts.
"I see we look the same, nothing really different" Narcissa nods.