requested by: starlit_27030
" Ok, While your enjoying your snacks we will be watching another marauders edit" Loki announces while still hearing the munching of Popcorn.
" Which is?" Ron asked still stuffing popcorn in his face.
" James and Lily" Loki responded.
" So my parents" Harry says as if it was that simple.
" His Dead Parents" Draco sneers at Dead.
" Thanks for the reminder" Harry rolled his eyes.
" Yes, Its a minute and 30 seconds. You'll be fine" Loki chuckled.
" You saw her too right" James asks.
" The red head mudblood..yes" Bellatrix scoffs.
" I'm surprise she wasn't a Weasley" Pansy hisses.
" If you want to insult people Panscake, Please insult correctly not these common insults" Harry scoffs.
"The one with the red hair?"
" Like Me" Ginny points at her.
" Like all of us" Fred points at the four of them.
" Not only was she a singularly gifted witch. She was also an uncommonly kind woman."
" Snape can concur" Dumbledore whispers chuckling as Snape glares at him.
" Oh be honest, Severus" McGonagall jokes.
" Please Severus" Pansy joked.
" Professor Snape to you" Snape snarled.
"Your father... James on the other hand. He, uh...He had a certain shall we say, talent for trouble."
" I hate him" Snape whispers.
" In a Death Eaterly way" Draco asks as Snape doesn't answer him.
" They have had a rivalry since School dats" Harry says.
" Makes sense nobody likes the greasy kid" Ron whispers.
" Greasy Kid" Hermione snorts.
" Don't lie, He's greasy" George faces her.
" Now Who's He?" Lucius snarled at them.
" Depends" Fred answers.
"Lily and James put their faith in the wrong person"
" Peter Pettigrew" Harry growls.
" Scabbers" Ron whimpers. " I'm still flabbergasted that it was a human. He's seen me exposed"
" That's not good" Neville says.
" We call him Petty Pettigrew now" Ginny corrects them.
"Now years ago, when Harry Potter's parents realized they were marked for death"
" They were marked indeed" Bellatrix laughs.
"Do you remember? They went into hiding."
"Few knew where they were. One who did"
" The Stupid Peter Pettigrew" Hermione hissed.
" At This point his name should be a taboo" Harry says.
"This is where they died, Hermione." Harry says.
" Oh, That scene" Luna recognized " It was a very sad scene"
" Bathilda Bagshot having Nagini in her" Fred cringed. "
" That wasn't for sure a lovely sight" Lucius says.
" It was splendid" Bellatrix cackled.
" I'm sorry" Sirius says.
" Nothing to be sorry for their dead, nothing can bring them back" Blaise eats on some more popcorn.
" It was a whole show with an audience" Draco says.
" Who was the audience" Pansy asked.
* Draco and Blaise look at each other and shrug*
" Be Brave like my mother" Harry says.
" That's why she was in Gryffindor" Narcissa says.
" Makes sense" Harry replies.
" We could all die Tomorrow" Lily says.
" You did, probably not the next day though" Ginny says.
" This is where he murdered them" Harry says.
" Mercilessly" Harry added.
" YES" Bellatrix clapped and Laughed.
" I swear she ruins every moment that is suppose to be sad" Hermione says angrily.
" Hey, Mudblood. People have DIFFEENT DEFENATION OF WHATS SAD" Bellatrix yells at her.
" Yup, I figured that out" Hermione whispers looking down to her feet.
" Its only if she sugar daddy dies she will say its a sad scene" Fred scoffs.
" Their is no hope for us here" James says.
" I guess so" Narcissa says.
" They die, their was no hope" Lucius says with a smug face.
"It's been fourteen years. Still a day doesn't go by that I don't miss your dad." Sirius says.
* Clip ends*
" Sirius told me that before we got in the train and now were here" Harry remembers.
" Yeah, I know" Loki nods.
" That was heartfelt" Luna comments.
" Its sad too" Neville adds.
" Were gonna redeem their deaths" Harry says with hope.
" Really" Bellatrix scoffs.
" Yes because I say so" Harry replies as Bellatrix lets out a huge laugh.

FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...