Harry Potter & Silver Doe Scene

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" We are Back to reacting to your 7th year" Loki announces.

" Better Be Granger and Potter doing something" Draco smirks.

" Finding Horcruxes" Harry puts his finger up nodding.

" Yes, That's The Something" Hermione slightly chuckles pulling on her sleeves.

" You have a very corrupt mind, Malfoy" Ron turns to him.

" You didn't know that" Ginny scoffs.

" We've been knew" Harry shakes his head away from them.

* Harry stares at the glass piece*

" What is he staring at?" Neville asks.

" I'm not quite sure, myself," Luna shrugs.

* Harry drops the glass piece*

* Puts The Blanket more around him*

" On Watch duty" Fred says.

" Their always has to be someone of watch duty" George smiles at Fred.

* Harry notices something*

" What is He Looking at?" Pansy whispers.

" We'll find out in a minute" Draco maneuvers around to get a better look.

* A Patronus takes form*

" I'm trying to see whose Patronus is that" Harry says.

* A Doe takes form*

" That's my Mother's Patronus" Harry gasps.

" and Severus's...." Dumbledore whispers.


" They can't," Snape turns to her.

" But-" Pansy looks confused.

" SHUT UP" McGonagall looks at her " Get a Hold of yourself"

" You must be hearing things Ms. Parkinson" Dumbledore looks away.

" Get your ears checked" Snape instructs.

* Harry stands and walks toward it*

" I-I am so confused" Harry breathes heavily.

" There really is no explanation for it" Hermione is confused.

" Maybe it's somebody else," Ron insists.

" Then, The Patronus could be dangerous then" Harry says.

" They could leak your Location" Ginny says.

" Or Lead you somewhere to get trapped" Hermione starts to panic.

" That's good," Bellatrix laughs.

" It will help us a lot" Lucius says slowly.

* The Doe starts to walk away and Harry Follows*

" I personally wouldn't allow you to go," Hermione says.

" I'll Take the risk, that's why you're inside" Harry responds.

* The Doe Leads Harry to a Lake*

" Why would it Lead it their" Narcissa asks.

" Sword of Gryffindor" Snape thinks.

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