Loki walks back in noticing the snores. Loki went to grab a list and thought everybody was asleep. So she removed her cloak.
" Woah"
Loki put her cloak on quickly and turned around to see a wide awake Draco staring at her.
" The Fu-"
" You Know Loki, you don't have to hide your face" Draco smirks.
" But I do and I will shut up" Loki stares at him.
" Make me" Draco folds his arms.
" Really" Loki raises her eyebrow and summons a Portal.
" NO, Ok Fine. I won't say anything" Draco yells.
" Your so loud Draco" Hermione wakes up.
" Light sleeper, I see" Draco rolls his eyes.
" I Think we're pretty all light sleepers" Harry wakes up.
" Great you woke up, Potter" Draco says annoyed.
" Well Maybe if you hadn't yelled and woken me up then this whole chaos wouldn't have happened" Hermione argued.
" Really putting all the blame on me Granger. Well your the psychopath Idiot who indulges into Listening to every conversation that doesn't concern you." Draco fired back as they started to argue back and forth.
" Draco" Lucius says sternly shutting Draco up. Hermione and Draco noticed all the sleepy eyes peering at them.
" Why are you wasting your time arguing with a Mudblood?" Bellatrix stares at him as eggs hit Bellatrix's head.
" Too early to be cussing and being racist" Loki sighed.
" Well what a lovely couple" Ginny winks at them.
" Ginny-" Hermione glares at her.
" I will kill you" Pansy mouths' at Ginny.
* Loki turned their beds into seats as they sat up straight*
" Might as well start with a scene from your 7th year of course" Loki says.
" What a way to amend this morning," Harry smiles.
" Really, The yelling was killing my ear drums" Ron whispers.
* Harry stares at the glass shard*
" Interesting piece you got there" Luna comments.
* Noise is heard*
" What The Bloody Hell was that" George asks.
" Doesn't sound good," Fred says.
* Harry notices Hermione*
" Being The Peaceful Bitch she is" Draco growls.
" Can you Like shut up or you can't because you family doesn't know what that means" Hermione turns to him.
" Really? My Family? That's a lot to say coming from a Mudblood" Draco says as Eggs hit him.
" Well Deserved" Hermione hisses.
" Agreed" Ginny nods.
* Harry touches the Locket*
" You Know The Spell"
" Who said that?" Neville asks.
" Nobody Knows Longbottom" Pansy scoffs.
" But you can Imply" Narcissa comments.
" And it sounds like the Dark Lord," Bellatrix squeals, jumping on her seat.

FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...