requested by: StephenRenzoMarana
" So, we are back at watching The Harry Potter House of Tournaments of Houses" Loki says.
" Oh another one," Hermione smiles.
" This one is Ravenclaw against Slytherin," Loki says.
" Yes" Draco wolf whistles.
" This will be an amazing episode," Luna smiles.
" This Clip is from the second episode," Loki smiles.
"Okay, back to the competition with our Dueling Club round. We've only got two more questions to go. There's only one Ravenclaw player who hasn't played this round yet, Vincent." Helen says.
" How the hell is Slytherin losing?" Pansy scoffs.
"Ravenclaws genuinely tend to be wise," Luna says.
" No, There's just a Bias" Loki shrugs.
" Well, Slytherin better win," Bellatrix rolls her eyes.
" And who better to pose that question than one of Ravenclaw's most recognizable house alumni."
" Luna Lovegood," Neville says.
" The Most Recognizable" Ginny agrees.
"Please welcome the talented actor who provided comic relief from beyond the grave as Ravenclaw's Moaning Myrtle, Shirley Henderson!"
" Elizabeth" Draco whispered.
" Luna Lovegood," Harry repeats, raising his eye.
" Played by Evanna Lynch" Ron says.
" Come on, we should be glad that she's coming on the show" Hermione says.
" I didn't even know Myrtle was in Ravenclaw but that makes sense now" Ginny nods.
"- Hello, Helen, and hello Ravenclaws. I'm really rooting for you to win this tournament and I am so thrilled to be a part of it." Shirley says.
" She does sound like her," Fred says.
" I mean, I honestly thought it was not how her voice sounded like " George shrugs.
' How lovely--lovely to see you Shirley." Helen says.
'- When you think of Ravenclaws, you think of wisdom and a love of learning, and that intelligence is going to come in handy for this question. Ravenclaws are smart, and Harry was attracted to the intelligent Cho Chang." Shirley says.
Ginny clears her Throat " We don't talk about her"
" Cho Chang Who?" Harry asks.
" Your first Crush" Draco laughs.
" Good, I'll keep that on my blackmail file" Pansy cackles.
" It's Hilarious" Bellatrix laughs.
" Is it really?" Lucius whispers.
" No, It's not" Narcissa says Blankly.
" The First Time, Harry saw Cho in The Goblet of Fire Film. What was she ordering from the Trolley''
" Obsessed fan behaviour" Snape scoffs.
" And you have the mouth to talk" Dumbledore laughs.
" I don't get what's funny," McGonagall says.
" Me either," Luna says." Just supporting my house"

FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...