I am Harry Potter

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Loki entered back to the room noticing a bunch of Tissues on the Floor she didn't even argue. She Clapped her hands and all the tissues were gone.

" I'm sorry for That Video" Loki Trails off.

" It's Fine" Harry says " We get to avoid it now".

Harry rubs his eyes, still distraught.

" I have a Video now that isn't as Depressing or even Depressing at all," Loki smiles.

* The Theater slightly smiles but still Looks like tears in their eyes*

" You shot these movies over the course of 10 years , was it difficult doing the same character for 10 years for that long" Interview asks.

" No you know because under like it was probably around the time of the 4th that I kind of started realizing that I was Harry" Daniel responds.

" In Some way" Luna comments.

" You Know I mean which is something That I've quite widely discussed. I mean-" Daniel is cut off by the Interviewer.

" No you Played Harry" The Interviewer asks.

" No, I am Harry" Daniel says.

* Theater chuckles a bit feeling better*

" I Thought I was an Actor playing a wizard but really I was a wizard playing an Actor" Daniel says.

" Harry, you must be a great wizard playing an Actor named Daniel" Luna says making Harry Laugh a bit.

" I go From My Harry Life when I am me and then walk out of the room and Than I am Dan The Actor" Daniel explains.

" You're a Great Wizard Harry" Ron says, making Harry laugh forgetting about The Last Clip.

" Dan is a Fantastic Character Who I really enjoy playing him" Daniel says.

" Harry Looks Fine in here" Hermione adds while playing along.

" Kind of This split Reality, which I live on and we all live on you know as I've Kind of was a revelation when I discovered that that's how the world works" Daniel Explains.

* theater's Laughing increases*

" He isn't being serious" Ron laughs but Harry Frowns hearing the word serious.

" And so when you're not Dan you are actually fighting evil spirits" The Interview asks concerned.

* Theater Laughs*

" He is very concerned" Ginny chuckles

" Or not," Dan answers.

" Or you are" Ron adds making people laugh

" Voldemort Dead and everybody is Dead" Daniel says.

" He's Dead?" Ron says.

" I'll just have to add that This video was taken before the final battle so he could be lying or saying the truth" Loki says

*The Theater was anxious and tense about their future*

" What does Harry do now that He Has Defeated everybody?" The Interviewer asks.

" Kind of Chills out and yeah then talk to woman" Daniel says.

* Theater laughs loudly*

" Harry is a Playa" Ron laughs out loud wheezing.

Harry himself couldn't help but laugh at that statement.

" Tell Them Harry and see where its gets me" Daniel says.

" The Thing That I have to stay is I mean I am Proudest of Quidditch. I spoke to at least 2 or 3 professional Quidditch Teams" Daniel Explains.

" That's Cool Mate" George comments as Fred nods.

" Players who Think any kind of team could be luckyto have me at this point" Daniel says.

" False" Draco says.

" I Honestly Forget you were here with us" Harry replies as Draco could even say a word as The Video turned Back on.

" I thought Quidditch was from the Fabrication from the book, it wasn't a real game" The Interview asks.

" Quidditch is Very Real " Ron comments.

" This is what I actually Hate about Marketing, I love being but I Absolutely Hate absolute lack of appreciation for British Sports" Daniel Complains.

" Yes Dan- Harry you go" Ron yells.

"Cricket you know, It's Too complicated , It's Too slow, Too Boring It's not" Daniel Dramatically moves His Hand.

* Theater Laughs at His statement*

" Would you like to see a scar, That I have from Quidditch that you seem skeptical about earlier" Dan says.

" He is really angry and annoyed," Hermione laughs.

" I really Don't" The Interview says.

" Look, I got to show you" Daniel Moves off camera.

" I really Don't want to see," The Interviewer says.

" Well you see it now that Big Thing" Daniel says.

" He is forcing you to see the scar," Ginny laughs.

" Ok you can Put your pants on" The Interviewer says.

" He removed his pants," Fred says raising his eyebrow.

" Last time I Checked that was Sexual Harassments" Ron said.

" There is Broom Burn" Daniel says.

" I don't need to see Broom Burn" The Interviewer says.

Harry laughs remembering His Broom Burn.

" I Think He has seen enough," Luna says.

" He Has" Neville agrees.

" Just Put your pants on" The Interviewer Begs

" Yeah It's tight around here when I have gone through this every single day. This Stuff is unbelievable" Daniel says.

* Clip ends*

" That was very Funny" Harry laughs, smiling.

" Honestly' Ron Laughs.

" Anybody here is some snacks so we have our next segment" Loki smiles clapping as Snacks are seen across the room.

" FOOD" Ron Laughs starting to munch on them.

" I Think your Overfeeding Them Ms. Loki" Hermione says.

" I am actually Quite Hungry Myself" Loki's says turning around pulling off her cloak for the first time and bit an apple.

* The Theater went silent for a second noticing that she wears glasses and other features*

* Loki Puts back her cloak on and Looks at her shocked crowd as Ron's ice cream dropped*

" What?" Loki asks.

" You wear Glasses" Draco says

" and so?" Loki glared at him.

" You have gorgeous Red Braids," Hermione compliments.

" Thanks" Loki Blushed " remember you haven't seen see my face so Let's move onto the next segment" 

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