requested by: FanserviceCast
" Now I feel like nobody loves food more than Ron," Loki says.
" I agree" Hermione raises her hand.
" Brilliant but can you make the food?" Loki asks.
" No, I just skip to eating" Ron explains.
* Theater laughs*
" Of course well now I have a video for y'all to watch" Loki says playing the video.
" Hello everyone, I am Luna Lovegood," Brizzy says.
" Oh Brizzy again," Hermione smiles.
" She's playing me," Luna smiles.
" Exactly," Loki smiles.
" and Welcome to Brizzy's Kitchen. Where I will be teaching you how to make Delicious Peppermint toads" Brizzy says.
" Wow, I am quite interested," Luna smiles.
" It does seem like it will taste good," Neville smiles.
" The Ingredients you'll be needing are one tablespoon of honey one half cup of Marshmallow fluff, Two Tablespoons of shortening or Butter , microwave safe bowls one and half cups of white chocolate, red food coloring, peppermint flavor a Ziploc bag , two spoons and toad shaped plastic mold. Brizzy addressed.
" Now that seems like it's going to be delicious" Ron licked his lips.
" Chocolate frogs always taste good," Fred nods.
"I'll leave a link to where I bought mine in the description below" Brizzy says.
" To Make Butterbeer all you need is a glass, cream soda, Butterscotch topping or syrup and whipped cream," Brizzy explains.
"That's all" Draco raises his eyebrow.
" Apparently" George shrugs.
" First, Take just one half cup of your white chocolate and pop into the microwave, in a microwave safe bowl," Brizzy says.
" What does a microwave do?" Neville asked shyly.
"It warms your food up" Hermione responds.
" I Love melted chocolate" Ginny makes some licking lips noises.
" and melt it by heating it for 15 seconds at a time and stirring it in between . You'll know its ready when the consistency is nice and drippy like pudding" Brizzy says.
" Oh I like pudding," Luna comments.
" White chocolate is always the best," Dumbledore says.
" I prefer regular brown chocolate" McGonagall says " What about you Severus?".
" I prefer any" Snape says.
" Scoop all this melted white chocolate into a Ziploc bag. Then squish it all into one corner of the bag and snip it off the tip. Perhaps do it over a bowl so it doesn't go spilling everywhere" Brizzy says.
* Theater chuckles*
" I'll take not on that" Harry giggles a bit.
" Indeed, you don't want to make a mess" Luna adds onto her point.
" Use your new icing bag to lay diagonal stripes across each toad. Don't worry if it looks messy and if you want to be creative and create whatever designs you want on the toads go for it" Brizzy says.

FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...