requested by: StephanRenzoMaranan
" Ok, So There was This Tv show released called Harry Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of houses" Loki starts.
" Kind of Like How Gryffindor's are always winning," Harry says.
" The Slytherins would like to disagree that we always win" Draco smirks as the Slytherins start to howl.
" Ok, We get it so they are quizzing them on Harry Potter facts " Loki says.
" To see how well they know the series," Hermione says.
" Good way to see who's more of a fan" Ginny nods around directly at Hermione who gives a soft smile.
" So we are going to watch a Clip from the First episode" Loki says
" From The Beginning I see " Ron comments.
" This is between Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff" Loki says.
" Oh, This will be interesting," Neville comments.
" I wish it was Slytherin," Pansy scoffs.
"Sofia, tell me all about yourself." Helen tells Sofia.
"Well, I'm the youngest. I'm 15, so I'm a sophomore in high school. I actually read all the books by myself when I was six." Sofia says.
" When I tell you that's an achievement, It is" Loki says.
" I can barely finish a chapter of our studies" Fred says.
" I mean we have many different interests" George adds.
" Well, She must have loved the books so much," Luna says.
" I mean I finished my favorite books at that age," Hermione says.
" And nobody cares I'd like to add" Pansy says.
" Did you really?" Helen asks.
" Yes," Sofia says.
" She's also in Gryffindor.. Pathetic" Bellatrix blehs.
" Sadly her smarts have gone to waste" Lucius says.
" Her smarts are in the right place" McGonagall states firmly.
" Agreed" Dumbledore shouts.
" Of course you agree. She's your wife" Draco snorts.
" I am Gay" Dumbledore says.
" I have a Husband" McGonagall says.
" We told you already, Dumbledore is Fruity" Loki sighs.
" So, that's what fruity means" Ginny gasps.
"- So when you got yourself immersed in those stories, which character did you most sort of identify with?" Helen asks.
"- Ginevra Weasley. She's sassy, has a great sense of humor, athletic, and she's a great Quidditch player." Sofia responds.
" OHHHHH, THAT'S ME" Ginny flips her hair.
" I mean she does know who she's talking about" Harry laughs.
" She made a good choice" Ginny says.
" I mean she really didn't lie about your personality" George says.
" She didn't," Ginny smiles.
" - So do you feel like her standing up here?" Helen asks.
FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...