Draco Being Mean

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" I Think we can all agree that Draco is mean at best" Loki Turned towards her audience all Nodded in agreement.

" You Guys are just sensitive" Draco defends himself.

" Y, ya" Harry sarcastically replies.

" So I have a video of him being rude" Loki says " It might trigger some hurt feelings" she says as she plays the video.

" You Think my name is funny do you" Draco asks Ron

" Oh no Not this" Ron sighed while biting on some chicken.

" No Need to ask yours. red hair and a hand me down robe you must be a Weasley. they'll soon find out that some Wizarding Families are better than others Potter. You don't want to make friends going with the wrong sort. " Draco Tells Harry.

"Now I am friends with Ron" As Harry fist bumped Ron. Draco rolled his eyes.

" Seriously Malfoy, you need to control your manners" McGonagall looked at Draco who only scoffed.

" Maybe If the fat lamb could give this a squeeze he'll Remember to fall on his fat-arse" Draco says as students laugh.

Neville looks down a bit feeling sad Knowing full well He is talking about him and Luna Notices.

" Don't worry you're fine the way you are" Luna Smiles at him and Neville smiles awkwardly.

" Give it here, Malfoy" Harry says.

" No" Draco says as the caption says No as well.

* Neville is seen jumping down the hall as students laugh*

* Neville looks either further down feeling ashamed but Luna rubs his back*

"Legolas?" Ron questions.

" Malfoy," Harry responds.

" Pathetic" Ginny rolls her eyes.

" Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go to the bookshop without making the front page" Draco Complains .

" Leave Him alone" Ginny tells him.

" Oh look potter you have got yourself a girlfriend" Draco Points out.

" At Least He got one" Hermione smirked. Draco begane cursing underneath his breath.

" You see Weasley unlike some, my father could afford the best. " Draco bullied.

" At Least nobody on the Gryffindor Team had to buy their way in. They Got in on pure talent. " zooms into Hermione's face.

" SLAY QUEEN" Ginny screamed while others Clapped.

" I literally insulted her a minute later, " Draco said annoyed.

" Ya, with derogatory terms that will not be discussed more further" Loki cleared the air.

" Alright This guide"

" Training for The ballet Potter"

" Where have you two been, picking out in the Great hall this time"

* Zooms In Draco's surprise face on reading*

" I didn't know you could read"

* Zooms in on eyebrow raise*

* Snickering is still heard *

" Sink Potter and People believe that he is the Heir of Slytherin"

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